Understanding Exploitation in Tees Conference

Understanding Exploitation in Tees Conference
Wednesday 16 October 2019
(9:00am – 4:30pm)
Legends Lounge, Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough, TS3 6RS
The Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Cleveland Anti-Slavery Network are working in partnership with Children’s Services across the region to deliver an all-age event on exploitation.
The aim of the conference is to raise the profile and awareness of exploitation with strategic leaders and senior managers, to enable them to tackle exploitation from within their own organisations.
For further information, and to find out how to register your interest for a place, please click on the link below:*
*please note that completing the online form does not guarantee you a place
Please forward this email and attached leaflet appropriately amongst your networks.
Should you have any queries about the conference, please contact Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board on [email protected]
TVRA – East Cleveland Villages Big Local Needs Your Help

East Cleveland Villages Big Local Needs Your Help
We are looking for a specialist who can work with East Cleveland Villages Big Local to support and identify their next steps that will drive them forward into the remaining 5 years of their ten year programme.
Could you be the expert we are looking for? Is the search over?
We have spent roughly half of our designated £1.1 million (increased because of interest earned).
By spring 2020 we are required to submit a plan to Local Trust that will cover the remainder of both our programme period and expenditure.
This is our final opportunity to undertake a review of our partnership’s past present and future.
We want to get this right for all of our communities in the 11 villages of East Cleveland Villages Big Local!
Please read the following links to find out if this could be you or your organisation.

Cleveland Fire Support Network Recruiting – Business Development Officer

Business Development Officer
Contract Type: 1 year contract
Hours: 9-5pm Mon – Thurs
Application deadline: 12:00pm Monday, 9th September, 2019
Based: Tees Valley Area
Salary Scale: £25 000 Pro Rata (5% commission on new business in the first year) Per Annum
Employer: Cleveland Fire Support Network, (CFSN) we are looking for an exceptional individual to work with our Chief Executive Officer to deliver on new business, fundraising strategies and increase our donations. Support and lead on the identification of new business prospects, and develop and manage commercial relationships with partner organisations, funders, advertisers and commercial.
Job title: Business Development Officer
Contract: 1 year contract of employment.
Hours: 30 hours per week.
Salary: £25 000 pro rata
Pension: Employment includes access to a workplace pension.
Holiday: 28 days per annum pro rata (inclusive of statutory public and bank holidays).
Location: Middlesbrough and the Tees Valley.
Deadline for receipt of curriculum vitae and covering letter: 12:00pm on Monday 9th September 2019.
The Business Development Officer works with the Chief Executive Officer to deliver the business and fundraising strategy, to secure the CFSN’s future and that of our new venture Safer and Stronger
Together (CIC) in line with the charities mission.
The ideal candidate will provide support to both organisations, identify new business developments, develop and manage commercial relationships. Core tasks include research and development, preparation of proposals and funding applications, donations, delivery of new products and services, monitoring and reporting.
Cleveland Fire Support Network Recruiting – Operations Officer

Operations Officer
Contract Type: 1 year contract
Hours: 9-5pm Mon – Friday
Application deadline: Monday, 9th September, 2019 – 12:00
Based: Tees Valley Area
Salary Scale: £18 000 Per Annum
Employer: Cleveland Fire Support Network, (CFSN) are looking for an exceptional individual to work with our existing team, supporting volunteers and managing the daily running of our operations and tasks. You will have local and national knowledge; we want to employ someone who sees this role as more than just a series of tasks to be completed. We are passionate about our work and we truly love what we do. We’re looking for someone who feels the same.
Job title: Operations Officer
Contract: I year contract of employment.
Hours: 37.5 hours per week.
Salary: £18 000 Per Annum
Pension: Employment includes access to a workplace pension.
Holiday: 28 days per annum pro rata (inclusive of statutory public and bank holidays).
Location: Middlesbrough and the Tees Valley.
Deadline for receipt of curriculum vitae and covering letter: 12 noon on Monday 9th September 2019.
We are recruiting someone who is enthusiastic, has great communication skills, and is creative and self-motivated. This is an exciting new role and you will join a small friendly team and be part of a growing organisation.
You will help communities and volunteers to bring about social change and improve the quality of life in our local area. You will be actively involved in community development and work with volunteers empowering growth and opportunity.
Middlesbrough Environment City Recruiting – Sustainability Living Trainer

Sustainability Living Trainer
CommUNITY Actions
Salary: £19,613 to £21,121 Pro Rata
Two posts available, 3 or 4 days to be negotiated – 3 year Fixed Term
Middlesbrough Environment City (MEC) is an independent charity that works to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles using the ten principles of One Planet Living. We have an exciting opportunity for enthusiastic and dynamic Sustainability Living Trainers who will work alongside communities in Middlesbrough to co-produce community led activities. The project aims to bring communities together, building social cohesion and resilience, supporting healthier lifestyles and creating sustainable change through community action.
The post holder will work as part of a team integrating CommUNITY Actions across existing MEC projects, building upon and developing existing activities and engaging with new communities, acting as the conduit to bring together innovation, skills, resource and mutual learning. Three themes will underpin the project: Food, Active Travel and Affordable Warmth.
If you feel that you have the skills and attributes for this position, then we would like to hear from you. For further details and an application form please download from our website at www.menvcity.org.uk. The programme is funded by the National Lottery through the National Lottery Community Fund.
Job Description
Application Form
Closing Date: 12 noon Monday 9th September 2019
Interview Date: Monday 16th September 2019
Matrix Neurological Recruiting

Senior Youth Workers (2) Temporary
£10.65 – £11.41 per hour (depending on qualifications and experience)
10 hours per week initially
MATRIX NEUROLOGICAL are looking for two dynamic, qualified and talented Youth Workers to run our Kids Club and provide support, advocacy and mentoring to brain injured children and young people. You will work as part of our innovative community rehabilitation support team to provide fun and stimulating activities to assist with their ongoing cognitive, communication, social, emotional and behavioural development. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with the right talents and experience.
Anyone wishing to apply an email [email protected] or telephone 01642 989116.