Discounted Products and Services - RCVDA

Discounted Products and Services

Get help with free or discounted products and support services like In Kind Direct and Charity Digital.


In Kind Direct

In Kind Direct distribute quality consumer products, donated by some of the UK’s best known manufacturers, retailers and brands, to charitable organisations – including charities, community groups, foodbanks and schools – who join their network for free.


Charity Digital

Charity Digital is one of In Kind Direct’s strategic partner charities and is a stop hub for exclusive charity discounts for technology & products, free educational content and inspiring events that can help your organisation be even more impactful. They are home to the UK’s only discounted and donated technology platform for charities.

Google Apps for Non Profits

The Google for Non Profits Program offers eligible organizations access to free versions of paid Google products. These tools can help non-profits find new donors and volunteers, work more efficiently, and get supporters to take action.

Microsoft Non Profit Centre

Microsoft provides grants and discounts for eligible non-profit organizations, including cloud services like Microsoft 365.