Safeguarding Adults - RCVDA

Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding Governance


Adult safeguarding across Redcar and Cleveland sits under the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board, which is the statutory body working across the four local boroughs of the former County of Cleveland to effectively prevent and respond to adult abuse.

To learn more, visit

Safeguarding Legislation

The Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board list the following as the most recent statutory legislation and guidance that make up the legal framework of the adult protection system in England:



To stay up to date with changes in national legislation and guidance the TSAB provides a mailing list, which you can signup to by visiting: scrolling to the bottom and filing in and submitting the General Data Protection Regulation: TSAB Consent Form.

Safeguarding Policy

Organisations based and operating within Redcar and Cleveland should adopt the Teeswide Inter Agency Safeguarding Policy, which you can access here:

Safeguarding Procedures

Adults safeguarding procedures are prepared by the Teeswide Safeguarding Adult Board, which you can access here:

Safeguarding Referral Process

If you suspect that someone is being harmed and they are in immediate danger you should ring the police on 999. 

Where a crime has been committed and the police require informing but there is no immediate danger call 101.

In all other circumstances follow the safeguarding referral process to notify the Adults Access team at Redcar and Cleveland Council.

Before you make a safeguarding referral for suspected abuse or neglect you should speak with your organisations Designated Safeguarding Lead and if you conclude that there is still cause for concern then you can submit a concern form to [email protected]

Concern Form

Safeguarding Team Contact Details

During Work HoursEmergency Out of Office Hours
Call 01642 771 500Call 01642 524 552*
* Please note that this is a shared service operating across the Tees Valley and you will only be asked your name, a contact number and the area you are calling and you will receive a call back within a couple of hours

Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding training courses are managed through an eLearning platform provided by the Teeswide Adult Safeguarding Partnership and are offered free of charge for staff an volunteers working within the Tees area in Statutory, Voluntary or Not for Profit Organisations.

Training can be accessed here:

Find Out More

Additional Reading and Support

Ann Craft Trust is a specialist charity that supports organisations in the safeguarding of adults.

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is a leading values-driven improvement agency that works to improve the lives of people of all ages by co-producing, sharing, and supporting the use of the best available knowledge and evidence about what works in social care and social work. Explore their resources for the voluntary, charitable and social enterprise sector here.

Safeguarding Glossary

This glossary is designed to provide you will a list of acronym and terms commonly in use in safeguarding.

ACPOAssociation of Chief Police Officers
ADASSAssociation of Directors of Adult Social Services
CPACare Programme Approach
CPSCrown Prosecution Service
CQCCare Quality Commission
CSPCommunity Safety Partnership
DASHDomestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and ‘Honour’ Based
DBSDisclosure and Barring Service
DOLSDeprivation of Liberty Safeguards
DHRDomestic Homicide Review
FGCFamily Group Conferences
IMCAIndependent mental capacity advocate
IMHAIndependent Mental Health Advocate
LADOLocal Authority Designated Officer
LSABLocal Safeguarding Adults Board
MCAMental Capacity Act
MSPMaking Safeguarding Personal
MAPPAMulti Agency Public Protection Arrangements
MARACMulti Agency Risk Assessment Conferences
MASHMulti-Agency Safeguarding Hub
NFANo Further Action
PALSPatient Advice and Liaison Service
OPGOffice of the Public Guardian
RASCResponding to and Addressing Serious Concerns
SIRISerious Incident Requiring Investigation
SARSafeguarding Adults Review
TASBTeeswide Adult Safeguarding Board
TATITeam Around The Individual
This is not an exhaustive list and if you know of a term that we have not included and that it would be useful to include, please reach out to us and let us know so we can amend the glossary.