Training - RCVDA


Virtual College

Virtual College has produced a range of free e-learning courses in subjects such as Safeguarding Children, Health and Well-Being and Careers Advice.


Understand more about autism, including diagnosis, the autistic spectrum, and life with autism with this CPD-certified course.

Disability Matters

Disability Matters offers free online learning packages to enable organisations, workers and volunteers to develop the communication and problem-solving skills required to engage confidently with disabled children and young people.

Dual Sensory Impairment

If you have a personal interest in dual sensory impairment or if you are in the health, voluntary or independent care sector business, you will find the Hi-Vis UK training resources useful.

Caring for adults

This course will help you to develop a better understanding of some of the key issues that relate to being a carer, whether in a paid or unpaid role.


The Many Faces of Dementia

Explore key issues in dementia care and research, through four less common forms.

Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness

The training is designed to give a broad overview of what encompasses mental illness whilst highlighting the link between mental and physical health diagnoses. It also provides some simple guidance on how best to care for someone with mental health difficulties.


MindEd is a free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults.

Mental wellbeing audio guides

On this page you can listen to a series of mental wellbeing audio guides to help you boost your mood.

Suicide Prevention

Zero Suicide Alliance

The Zero Suicide Alliance has developed a free online suicide prevention training course – suitable for everyone –which could help you to save a life and become better prepared to help someone with suicidal thoughts.

The 20 minute training is a simple but effective video combining facts about suicide, with real stories from people whose lives have been impacted. It also provides advice on how to speak to someone with suicidal thoughts and real-life scenarios to give the skills be able to deal with difficult conversations with loved ones, friends and colleagues.

Domestic Abuse

This beginners training package from IDAS is aimed at individuals in organisations and voluntary groups who work with adults and children or young people, to give a basic awareness of issues surrounding domestic abuse.

Sexual Violence

This beginners training course from IDAS is aimed at individuals in organisations and voluntary groups who work with adults to give a basic awareness of issues surrounding rape and sexual violence.


Real Safeguarding stories online resource

A free online resource for professionals with safeguarding responsibilities has been developed by Bradford Council and Collingwood Learning. Each of this series of videos is based upon stories from the people involved or through anonymised cases. Some stories have been edited and some have been combined to cover the key issues in a simple, quick, and powerful way. But everything is based upon real people, and real situations.

Self-Harm-Risky behaviour

The MindEd ‘Self-Harm and Risky Behaviour’ online module is aimed at a universal audience and provides the background to self-harm in children and teenagers, commonly associated conditions and the optimal approach to managing it in the community.

Modern slavery

This resource is designed to share examples of training products available to public sector professionals and other individuals that might come across victims to help raise awareness, better spot the signs and increase confidence in reporting modern slavery when potential cases are encountered.

Gender Non conforming young people

GIRES provides access to e-Learning programmes to assist organisations, friends and families to better understand how to support and work with trans and gender diverse people.

Domestic Homicide Review

The Home Office offers domestic homicide review online learning for front line practitioners who will be taking part in domestic homicide reviews. The course has two modules:

  • Module 1: introduction to the domestic homicide review process
  • Module 2: the chairperson’s responsibilities and the overview report.

SCIE – Strength-based approach

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has published a series of videos looking at strengths-based approaches to social care. Resources include a case study of how the approach, which focuses on identifying strengths as well as needs and difficulties, is used in supporting young people in transition to adult social care.

Social workers tools and resources for direct work with children and adults

Aimed at social workers, but useful for everyone, these resources cover a range of issues such as adoption & fostering, alcohol, assessment, bullying, CSE & sexual abuse, disability & health, domestic abuse, drugs, finances, law (UK), mental health, parenting and safety.

Online safety

Digital Parenting

They offer advice and training which can be found on their website at

Government Cybersecurity training

Free online training courses to help business protect against cyber threats and online fraud.

Digital Skills training

Computer courses and support

Various courses online on different topics including Office 365, Google Suite etc. Courses can be tailored according to needs, contact them to find out more.

Digital skills for workplace

15 free and flexible online courses to learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with our short online courses from Future Learn.

Facebook 101

This guide gives you an overview of how to use Facebook for your organisation and covers basic editing, privacy setting and analytics.

Twitter 101

This is a beginners guide to Twitter for organisations – how to set it up, what the various terms mean and how to keep it all up to date most effectively.

Tees Valley Sports

The current lockdown has meant that all traditional coaching in clubs, community settings and schools/colleges has been suspended. Tees Valley Sports have created a resource with online training opportunities for coaches to improve knowledge and access excellent online training.

Flippin Pain Newsletter and Webinar

An edition of the Flippin Pain newsletter and a recent webinar recording about the latest (often surprising) science of pain.

Money Guiders Programme

Richard Gerrard of RCBC Health Improvement Team invites colleagues to free online training on financial advice.