This is an attempt by us to provide a single glossary of our own of the voluntary sector abbreviations we encounter on a daily basis. We’ll start with own name Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency, which is frequently abbreviated to RCVDA.
These are organisations that operate within Redcar and Cleveland:
- RCBC: Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
- RCVDA: Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency
Tees Valley
The Tees Valley consists of five unitary local authorities, they are:
- DBC: Darlington Borough Council
- HBC: Hartlepool Borough Council
- MBC: Middlesbrough Borough Council
- RCBC: Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
- SBC: Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Cleveland or Teesside or Tees: refers to these boroughs, minus Darlington Borough Council.
These are organisations that operate across the Tees Valley
- Sustrans: short for Sustainable Transport, Sustrans is the custodian of the National Cycle Network
- TEWV: Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- TVCA: Tees Valley Combined Authority
- TVRA: Tees Valley Rural Action
These are organisations that operate within the North East Region
- VONNE: Voluntary Organisations Network North East
These are organisations that offer support nationally:
- NAVCA: National Association for Voluntary and Community Action
These are terms commonly used in the voluntary and community sector.
- CYP: Children and Young People
- ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance
- LIO: Local Infrastructure Organisation
- VCS: Voluntary and Community Sector
- VCSE: Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise
- CAT: Community Asset Transfer
- SMARTER: Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluate, Re-adjust
- THRIVE: Timely, Helpful, Respectful, Innovative, Values-based and Efficient
These are terms commonly used by the Local Authority
- DPH: Director of Public Health
- JSNA: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- RSL: Registered Social Landlord
- TATI: Team around the individual
These are terms commonly used by National Health Service and the Public Health Departments:
- CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group (this is now replaced by the ICP)
- CPN: Community Psychiatric Nurse – courtesy of Sharon Chappell
- CYP IAPT: The Children and Young Peoples’ Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme
- CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- DNA: Did Not Attend
- HWB: Health and Wellbeing Board
- HWBE: Health and Wellbeing Executive
- ICB: Integrated Care Board
- ICP: Integrated Care Partnership
- NEAS: North East Ambulance Service
- NHS: National Health Service
- NHSE: National Health Service England
- NIHR: National Institute for Health and Care Research
- CPA: Care Programme Approach
These are terms commonly used in Safeguarding in the Tees Valley:
- CPS: Crown Prosecution Service
- CQC: Care Quality Commission
- CSP: Community Safety Partnership
- DTC: Duty to Co-operate
- IDVA :Independent Domestic Violence Advisor
- IMCAs: Independent Mental Capacity Advocates
- KCSIE: Keeping children safe in education
- LSCB: Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
- MAPPA: Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
- MARAC: Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference
- MCA: Mental Capacity Act
- MHA: Mental Health Act
- MHA COP: Mental Health Act Code of Practice
- MSP: Making Safeguarding Personal
- QSG: Quality Surveillance Group
- SAB: Safeguarding Adults Board
- SAR: Safeguarding Adults Review
- TSAB: Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board
These terms are commonly used is Sport:
- NGB:National Governing Body
- LTA: Lawn Tennis Association
And in national government
- DoE: Department of Education
- DH: Department of Health
- DLUHC ‘D-lock’: Department of Levelling up, Housing and Communities
- DWP: Department of Work and Pensions
Other terms:
- CPN: Community Protection Notice – courtesy of Sharon Chappell
- JCP District: Job Centre Plus District – Redcar and Cleveland is in the Tees Valley JCP
- TC: Therapeutic Communities – courtesy of the Reith Lectures 2024