Opportunity Ended
A message from Professor Daniel King, Director of the VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory
I’m delighted to reach out to you again to invite you to take part in the largest quarterly survey of the UK voluntary, community and social sector.
The VCSE Barometer Survey builds insight into real-time trends, changes and challenges in the UK voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
Findings are shared every quarter with national policy and decision-makers, local infrastructure organisations and the VCSE sector.
Wave 8 will be live from Wednesday 25 September to Wednesday 16 October 2024.
Click Here to Participate in the Survey
Why Your Participation is Invaluable
Shape Policy Decisions: The insight created by the Barometer is gaining traction with major national policymakers – and it’s your voice that guides them in understanding and supporting the sector.
Track Real-Time Trends: Last quarter’s survey provided invaluable insight into the changing face of voluntary sector services and led our partners Pro Bono Economics to call for increased support for skills development in the sector.
What’s Topical in Autumn 2024?
This quarter’s survey features a short question set on governance.
We’re interested in how your Board is doing in the current climate and its role in supporting your organisation.
Join Our Community
We hope you’ll join us at our regular online Barometer seminar on Tuesday 12 November, 11.00am-12:00pm, where we’ll share and explore the latest findings.
Indicate your interest at the end of the survey, and we’ll send you an exclusive invite!
Click Here to Participate in the Survey
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards
Professor Daniel King
Director, VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory
Daniel.king@ntu.ac.uk / @DanielKing76 / @VCSEObservatory
Consultation Information
Venue | VCSE Observatory Barometer Survey (qualtrics.com) |
Consultation Deadline | 16/10/2024 24:00 |