Cleveland Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment – Call for Evidence
The Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence (CURV) has recently been awarded funding by the Home Office to tackle serious violence in Cleveland. CURV is required to conduct a Strategic Needs Assessment to inform the strategy and response to serious violence of the new Unit.
This is a call for evidence from public and third sector professionals working in Cleveland to support the development of the Strategic Needs Assessment on Serious Violence. Crest Advisory, a crime and justice consultancy, will be doing work to prepare a Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment for the CURV.
Crest Advisory has designed a short survey that will allow you and wider stakeholders in Cleveland to share existing insight on serious violence and its drivers, show support for the research, connect with others and help to understand what services already exist.
Crest Advisory would be very grateful if you could complete the survey – please can you do so by Wednesday 17th August.
Also, Crest Advisory would ask you to circulate this call for evidence with any stakeholders in your network who play a role in the current response to serious violence in Cleveland.
Link: Call for evidence on Serious Violence and its Drivers in Cleveland
Below is a list of the partners who are mentioned in the draft guidance on the Serious Violence Duty issued by the Home Office:
Specified authorities (those who must work together to prevent and reduce serious violence)
- Police
- Probation Services
- Youth Offending Teams
- Fire and rescue authorities
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Local authorities
Other authorities (those who must be consulted by specified authorities and who must collaborate where requested)
- Educational institutions
- Prions and youth custody authorities
Engaged groups:
- Voluntary and community sector
- Children and young people (this survey is not to be answered by children and young people)
If you have any questions or would like further information, please get in touch with Greg at [email protected]
Triage – Training Opportunities

Triage are a regional Training Company that currently has funding from Tees Valley Combined Authority to deliver Level 2 & Level 3 qualifications and training to staff and volunteers in the Tees Valley area working in areas that cover Social Care & Support. It provides the employer and learner with a free suite of qualifications up to Level 3 for existing and new employees and in many cases volunteers. Delivered face to face by a suitably qualified and experienced assessor, they can deliver an accredited qualifications from the following list:
- L3 Certificate in Information Advice or Guidance (IAG);
- CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills;
- NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Management Skills and Knowledge;
- CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health;
- CACHE Level 3 Award in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities;
- CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Autism.
The offer is face to face learning which is fully funded and accredited.
Learning will be a mixture of observations, recorded discussions and knowledge-based work. Triage will attempt to complete as much on the job assessment as possible causing minimal disruption to any day-to-day activities.
As part of the sign-up session, they will review any units of learning employees have already completed and map this across, to not duplicate any prior learning.
They have up to 18 months dependent on the qualification, however this is a maximum timescale – where they can, they would like to complete this much sooner, aiming for most of the mandatory assessment criteria to be covered by month 6.
Eligibility Criterion
The broad eligibility for the suite of qualifications can be found below, however if you feel you have identified employees or volunteers who do not fit this criterion, Triage advisor can look at this for you in more detail:
- Individuals must be 19 or above on 31st August 2022;
- Have not achieved a full level 3 qualification or above in the same field;
- Must earn less than £27,040.00 gross annual salary – evidence is required to prove this such as a letter from employer, last three months payslip or contract of employment;
- Must currently live in the Tees Valley area;
- Residency – Lived in the UK for the last three years as UK National, EEA national or other non-UK national.
Should you wish to discuss further, identified a training need or would like to find out more about this offer, please call Tina Henderson on 07596 326224 or email her at [email protected] and she can arrange to come out to meet with you for an informal chat.