One of our roles is that of representation and we have the privilege of sitting on a number of boards. Recently we have attended a number of meetings where we were asked to bring the following to your attention.
LARCH in partnership with RCBC are hosting a Social Enterprise Conference 13th July 9.30 – 12.00
What is Social Enterprise and is it for you?
Are you a social enterprise or a charity wanting to explore a new enterprising idea?
Then come along and find out a little more about how LARCH can help you.
To book tickets please visit Redcar and Cleveland Social Enterprise Conference Tickets, Wed 13 Jul 2022 at 09:30 | Eventbrite
North East and North Cumbria Child Health and Wellbeing Network
In the North East and North Cumbria we believe all children and young people should be given the opportunity to flourish and reach their potential, and be advantaged by organisations working together
The Healthier Together initiative includes a website and mobile application.
- Healthier Together contains resources for healthcare professional, including standardised clinical pathways.
- Healthier Together provides useful resources for parents, carers and young people (via information leaflets, self-care advice, and guidance on when and how to access appropriate local healthcare services).

Other initiatives include
- Over 20 advisors including Educational and Health Inequalities
- Apprentice roles
- Integrated Health Settings in schools
- Beat Asthma and BREATHE
- Transitions and Epilepsy projects
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
- directly in communities
To join the network click here
Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board are looking for people to sign up as Safeguarding Champions
Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board are looking for people to sign up as Safeguarding Champions
The TSAB Safeguarding Champions initiative builds on the skills and knowledge of professionals who work with or have contact with adults who have care and support needs. Safeguarding Champions can use their unique position to communicate important safeguarding messages across their organisations and local communities, especially to those who are isolated, marginalised in society or those who can’t easily access technology or the internet (digitally excluded). Safeguarding Champions can signpost individuals to access health, wellbeing and social care services, and help to share accurate information about adult safeguarding within their local communities.
What is a Safeguarding Champion?
A person who works within the Tees area who;
- Understands what adult safeguarding is
- Understands the different types of abuse and neglect and knows how to spot the signs of abuse and neglect
- Knows how to report any Safeguarding Concerns and offers safeguarding advice to colleagues, service users/customers, families and carers
- Raises awareness with others on recognising and reporting adult abuse or neglect
- Helps connect local people to a range of health and wellbeing services including signposting to safeguarding teams where appropriate
- Shares TSAB e-bulletins, newsletters and social media posts amongst their networks and acts upon any relevant information which applies to them or their organisation
- Reads and shares learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), Learning Lessons Reviews (LLRs) and considers the learning from their organisation’s perspective to prevent similar instances occurring
- Shares and learns from good practice as well as learning from ‘near misses’ or single agency instances/concerns linked to abuse or neglect
- Ensures that their organisation has robust adult safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance in place and is aware of TSAB’s Inter-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy, Procedure and Decision Support Guidance
- Listens to the people they support and provides relevant feedback to TSAB that can help inform future safeguarding priorities and practice.
A Safeguarding Champion will also apply the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) within their daily practice.
For more information and to apply please click here.