Mental Health Awareness Week – 9th-15th of May 2022
Mental health awareness week is 9-15 May 2022 and this year’s theme is loneliness.
We want to encourage people to raise awareness and highlight how people can connect in their communities.
Attached is an information pack with links to resources to support the week. Additionally there are two poster’s which we would like you to promote through your networks:
Better Together Walk

Bus timetable – offering information and raising awareness across the borough.

Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council – Equalities Conference Information

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council will be holding an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion conference on Friday 24th June 2022 (timings to be confirmed) at Kirkleatham Walled Garden.
The aim of the conference is to celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion throughout Redcar and Cleveland and to consider what we can do collectively to further benefit our local communities.
We would like to involve you in supporting us to shape the conference and ask:
- Which agencies or organisations would you like to see represented so you can find out more about what they do?
- Would you be willing to share what your organisation / group does for the benefit of communities; this could possibly be via a mini workshop / market stall?
- Are there any speakers you would like to hear from?
As well as providing information to attendees via speakers and presentations we also aim to have networking opportunities, performances and workshops throughout the day.
To confirm your attendance or for further information, please email [email protected]