RCVDA Volunteer Awards 2022 – Time to Nominate!

Friday 27th May 2022 1pm – 4pm
Gisborough Hall, Whitby Lane, Guisborough, TS14 6PT
TIME TO NOMINATE – 11 days to go!
RCVDA are delighted to confirm that we will once again be holding our annual Volunteer Awards event to celebrate the thousands of inspirational people who give their time, freely, to help our communities in so many remarkable ways.
Covid restrictions prevented us from formally recognising our volunteers in 2020 and 2021 – a time when people from our region stepped up, going above and beyond to help and support their communities, their neighbours, and our voluntary organisations, so there is even more to acknowledge this year.
Anyone who wishes to nominate a volunteer or team of volunteers need to click on the link below for the nomination form: You will then receive an automatic acknowledgement that we have received your submission
Click here for nomination form
Health and Wellbeing:
An award for a group or individual who, through volunteering, has made a positive impact on the physical health, the mental health, or the lifestyle of residents in the community. This could be via befriending, sports activity, health support groups etc.
This category is for those innovative entrepreneurs (either individual or a group) who are making a difference by doing things differently. We are looking for where a new idea, new method of delivery or new approach has been successful.
Empowered through Volunteering Award:
This award is for a volunteer who has gained new skills and knowledge through volunteering. This individual will have broken down barriers and learnt new skills which has raised their aspirations regarding their career path.
Outstanding Community Group:
The recipient of this award will be a group or team who have dedicated years of service in support of their community, or who have worked to successfully deliver a project they are passionate about.
Young Volunteer (under 21):
Do you know a young person who embodies all that is good about the young people in our area? For example, young people who are promoting intergenerational activities, fundraising or protecting and campaigning for the environment.
Volunteer of the Year:
An award for an individual who has gone ‘above and beyond’ over the last year. This could recognise the amount of time they have dedicated to a particular project; or could acknowledge the amount of time they have contributed to make a difference to another person’s life, or for the benefit of their community.
Volunteer Team:
This award will recognise a team who, in working together, have created positive change. This award will recognise their commitment and determination and highlight the importance of teamwork.
Outstanding Trustee:
Charity trustees work behind the scenes, strengthening and driving an organisation forward, but people may not realise that a trustee is also a volunteer, without whom we wouldn’t have charities. We would like to recognise a trustee who has been outstanding in their support of a charitable organisation.
RCVDA Lifetime Achievement:
The lifetime achievement award will recognise a dedicated individual who, through years of positive service, has made a significant impact to their community, or who has consistently delivered community projects they are passionate about.
PCC & Catalyst Stockton – Bridging the Gap fund

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland and Catalyst Stockton have joined forces to enhance the support available for ethnically diverse victims of domestic abuse.
PCC Steve Turner has allocated a fund of £30,000 to support voluntary sector organisations and community groups who work with people from a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds.
Groups and organisations can bid for up to £5,000 to help victims facing cultural barriers to accessing one of Cleveland’s existing domestic abuse agencies.
More information about Bridging the Gap fund is here.
The second round of applications in now open, with a deadline of Friday 6 May 2022, with the expectation that groups or organisations can start to deliver their service from Monday 16 May 2022.
South Tees Best Start Partnership – VCS Work

Giving our children the best possible start in life is something we all want to do. But do we truly know why the first 1001 days (pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life) are so important and why it is a period of unique rapid growth and importance?
An event is held on 16 May 2022 facilitated by Public Health South Tees and MVDA to share what is happening locally around Best Start in Life (BSiL) and understand how the voluntary and community sector (VCS) play their part in giving local children the best start in life. Find more information here.
The Pioneering Care Partnership – Job Vacancy

Healthwatch Project Lead
Responsible to: Project Development Manager
Accountable to: PCP Chief Executive & Board of Trustees
Located: County Durham
Starting Salary: £31,156 per annum, pro rata
Scale: Band 8a/b, Point 18-22 £31,156 to £35,206 per annum pro rata
Hours: 30 hours per week
Closing date: Midnight, Sunday 1st of May 2022
Interviews: Week commencing 9th of May 2022
Job description
Person specification
Please note, CV’s will not be accepted. Visit www.pcp.uk.net/vacancies for an Application Pack, or email [email protected]
Tees Valley Volunteering Charter – Sign Up Today
Tees Valley Volunteering Charter
As part of ongoing partnership work between the Local Development Agencies (LDAs) and other infrastructure organisations that support the local voluntary and community sector (VCS) across the Tees Valley we have been exploring the potential for introducing a Tees Valley Volunteering Charter.
The Charter will contain a series of simple statements, which volunteer involving organisations (VIOs) pledge to work towards and make central to their everyday practice with volunteers.
Signing up to the Charter gives organisations a way to publicly pledge their commitment to providing excellent support to their volunteers. It also provides a basis for organisations to develop and adhere to appropriate policies, procedures, and good practice.
The Tees Valley Volunteering Charter will not involve an assessment of evidence, however, local LDAs will be on hand to offer support to help any VIOs who feel they need support to be able to sign up.
The statements contained within the Charter will be accompanied by examples of what this might look like in practice to enable VIOs to assess their own practices.
The Charter is simply a way in which VIOs can pledge their commitment to providing support to volunteers. The VIOs can then display the pledge to demonstrate their commitment to good practice in volunteering.
We value the contribution of VIOs in developing this Charter and are committed to producing something which will support and add value to the wonderful work they do without creating a work intensive process.
To ensure the Charter is useful and welcomed by the Sector, we are keen to assess the appetite for this.
Please email your local contact below to express your interest (or not) in signing up to a Charter. This is in no way a firm commitment at this stage, purely an indication of interest and a willingness for us to contact you for further input.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your help with this.
Darlington – Julie Thornton [email protected]
Hartlepool –[email protected]
Middlesbrough – [email protected]
Redcar & Cleveland – [email protected]
Stockton – [email protected]
Nepacs – Job Vacancies

They are currently recruiting for the following vacancies:
- Volunteer Coordinator – Durham 18.75hrs pw (deadline 22 April)
- Therapeutic practitioner – HMP YOI Deerbolt & community 37.5hrs pw (deadline 29 April)
- Visits Services Support Worker x 2 – HMP & YOI Low Newton 11 hrs pw (deadline 20 April)
- Visits Services Catering Worker – HMP & YOI Low Newton 7.5 hrs pw (deadline 20 April)
To find out more or to apply for the above vacancies, please visit Nepacs’s website https://nepacs.co.uk/page/job-vacancies