Healthwatch South Tees – STAR Awards of Recognition 2022
The Healthwatch South Tees STAR Awards are open for your nominations, so after the uncertain year we have all just had, let’s highlight the excellent work that goes on in our local health and care sector!
We believe those who make a positive difference and go that extra mile to help others should be recognised. Our awards aim to celebrate those who make a difference to the people they support and their communities as well as the opportunity to share good practice across South Tees.
Who can be nominated?
An individual, team, department, organisation or service etc can be nominated whether they are a professional, volunteer, patient or member of the public.
Who can nominate?
Anyone can submit a nomination, based on their own experience, or someone they know.
How can you nominate?
- Telephone: 0800 118 1691
- E-mail: healthwatchsouthtees@pcp.uk.net
- Website nomination submission, guidelines and further information – healthwatchmiddlesbrough or healthwatchredcarandcleveland
What are the categories?
- Community Innovator Award – Those who have developed valuable support to fill missing gaps in the community
- Care & Compassion Award – Those who go the extra mile to enhance the health and social care experiences of service users, relatives and staff
- Leading the Way for Change Award – Those who have led a service to create positive impact
- Valued Service Award – Valued services in the community
- Excelling in Support to Others Award – Those delivering excellent service in health and social care
- Making a Difference – Volunteer Award – Those who volunteer their time to make a positive difference in the community
When is the closing date?
Nominations can be made until 5pm on Monday 28 February 2022.
When will we know the results?
All nominees will be announced at the STAR Awards Ceremony at Inspire2Learn on Wednesday 6 April 2022.
Who are the 2021 winners?
To see who won last year please visit healthwatchmiddlesbrough or healthwatchredcarandcleveland websites.
Please promote and circulate this opportunity with your colleagues, social media and ebulletins. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Linda Sergeant on 07593448835.
New Free 12 week Adult Weight Management programmes – South Tees
Coatham House – Supported Housing Vacancies For Young People
We would like to let everyone know that from next week we will have some vacancies in supported housing at New View and in our 2 share accommodation.
Please see attached the referral form and risk assessment form below should you need to refer into the service. Completed referral forms and risk assessments can be sent to coathamhouse@hotmail.co.uk Once we receive a referral, the young person will be invited to Coatham House for a housings needs assessment. This will identify their housing and support needs, and once this process is concluded we will be able to inform on their suitability for supported housing.
We also would like to ask any services that may have new staff or require more information about our service, to contact us on 01642 486844 – our staff are also happy to arrange a service visit if necessary, which we feel this will also assist and further promote good working relations.