Title: Public Sector Network IT Health Check
Contract Reference: DN574156
Description: Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is undertaking a procurement process to provide the Council with provision of Public Sector Network IT Health Check.
Department: Resources & Growth
Deadline for Submission of Bids: before 14:00:00 Hours on Friday, 15 October 2021
Contract Start Date: 01 November 2021
Contract End Date: 05 November 2021
Details of Extension Periods (where applicable): N/A
Further Details: Available via NEPO portal www.nepo.org registration is free and once you have expressed an interest in the opportunity you have immediate access to the documentation.
If you need some guidance on how to submit your response through the NEPO Portal, please visit the NEPO website training section at https://www.nepo.org/suppliers/learn to access the Navigating the Portal suite of videos. These also include useful information on how to manage your online ProContract account.
If you need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Procurement team on 01642 444151.