Cleveland Youth Commission – Opportunity for 14-25 yrs. to make a difference to their community

This is brilliant opportunity for young people to gain knowledge, new skills and experiences in an exciting project that focuses on the views of young people in Cleveland.
The Youth Commissioners will play an important role in talking to young people through the ‘Big Conversation’ events and feedback the views of young people and what they think the solutions to these important issues are. The Youth Commission members will be part of a group of young people from across Cleveland, supported by a local coordinator to gather the views and opinions of young people about key issues that affect their lives.
The Cleveland Youth Commission allows young people to support, challenge and inform the work of the Police & Crime Commissioner and Cleveland Police force to bring about positive change. The Youth Commissioners will explore urgent issues affecting young people in Cleveland, such as, Relationship with the Police, Mental Health, Hate Crime, Abusive Relationships including Violence Against Women, drugs and alcohol, Gang Crime, and Reducing Offending and Re-offending.
The Cleveland Youth Commission is aimed at young people aged 14-25 years who want to make a difference to their community.
- We’re looking for a diverse group of young people from different backgrounds and life experiences to take part, including those who have direct experience of the criminal justice system.
All application documents needed to apply for this opportunity are attached below. We’ve tried to make this process simple and accessible for everyone. We would very much appreciate it if you could encourage any young person who you feel would benefit from this experience to apply, and support them to fill out the application if needed.
Application form
Consent form
Guidance notes
Invite poster
You can also click the link:
Youth Commission – Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner (
Please email your application forms back by –
Extended deadline: Monday 20th September 2021
to [email protected]
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme for Christmas 2021

School holidays can create challenges for families. That’s why Middlesbrough Council and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council are working together to distribute over £1 million worth of funding from the Department for Education for organisations to deliver free holiday clubs for all eligible children and young people across the South Tees.
As the summer comes to a close, we are starting to look towards provision in December (branded Xplore Christmas 2021).
We will be seeking organisations who would like to deliver clubs across South Tees during the Christmas school holidays and will do this through a grant programme that will be launched shortly. Potential delivery organisations are encouraged to begin to consider how they might get involved. Applications will be welcome from any type of organisation whether it be a charity, social enterprise, schools, colleges, commercial company or another type of organisation. Delivery models will differ and innovative ideas are encouraged. We cannot use any of the funding for October half term delivery.
Applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
- The provision must be targeted at school aged children and young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals – places for other children and young people cannot be funded by the HAF, although providers are welcome to offer provision to this group on a chargeable basis.
- The provision has to be face-to-face (i.e. physically in-person, not over Zoom etc.) in line with COVID restrictions.
- The requirement from the Department for Education is that eligible local children and young people should be able to access provision that is the equivalent to four hours x four days during the Christmas School Holidays.
- This can be across different providers – the key point is that the participant can access four hours x four days.
- We are currently considering the feedback from our summer provision – for example, we may look to commission provision that is four hours x four days or alternatively single day experiences or a mixture of the two.
- The four days could be during the same week or spread across the fortnight.
- Food must be provided and strong preference will be given to proposals that will provide a hot meal.
- The food will meet school standards, the food provider in a bid will be registered as a food business with the local authority, those preparing food will be trained to level two food hygiene standards and the food provider will have a food hygiene rating of three or above, if applicable.
- All of the food preparation will comply with the regulations and take into account allergies, dietary and cultural requirements.
- Preference will be given to proposals that include at least one hour of physical activity, some family nutritional education and other enrichment activities that are designed to enable children to develop new skills and knowledge and try out new experiences.
Registration with OFSTED if required
- When a setting is required to be OFSTED registered, that registration should be in place.
The Local Authorities will offer – access to a central booking system, assistance with the promotion of clubs to eligible families, access to high quality training and menu samples, general guidance and support with the interpretation of regulations and good practice.
What to do now:
At this stage, organisations are encouraged to consider the opportunity and are invited to join a list of those wishing to receive further information as it is made available. If you want to be kept informed of this exciting opportunity please provide your contact details to [email protected]
Black Canvas – After School Homework Support Sessions for Young People

Pioneering Care Partnership – Job Vacancies

Community Resilience Worker X 3
Responsible to: COVID-19 Resilience Project Lead
Accountable to: PCP Chief Executive & Board of Trustees
Located: Working from home with significant outreach across County Durham
Scale/Salary: Band 5 £20,721 per annum
Hours: 37 hours per week
Contract: Fixed Term until 31st March 2022 (with possible extension)
Closing date: Midnight 1st October 2021
Healthwatch Sunderland Project Lead
Responsible to: Project Development Manager
Accountable to: PCP Chief Executive & Board of Trustees
Located: Sunderland
Scale/Salary: Band 8a/b, £29,254 pro rata
Hours: 21 hours per week, this is a permanent position
Closing date: Midnight 26th September 2021
Please visit for an Application Pack or alternatively email [email protected]
Citizens Advice Redcar & Cleveland – Energy Advice Service

We are urging local people to get advice on Fuel Bills, Fuel Debt Advice, Cheaper deals & Energy Efficiency Measures.
The Energy Advice team is here to help vulnerable Energy consumers in the Redcar & Cleveland locality.
Telephone advice & support is currently available, please call 01642 030000 or email [email protected] (9 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday).
The Energy Advice team are here to help save money, sort out fuel crisis and assist with issues relating to Fuel Poverty, Energy Advice, Energy Efficiency, financial entitlement and budgeting.
No matter what a person’s financial circumstances are, nobody in this day and age should have to suffer problems paying for vital services like gas & electricity.
Please can you pass this on to your teams and clients so they are aware of this service and can get in touch and we can help.
We are also running a Fuel Voucher Scheme for people on prepayment meters who are at risk of disconnection and clients can be referred/signposting to this scheme via the contact details above.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
VONNE Climate Action Alliance – Going Greener Together Website Launch

This week the Going Green Together website has been launched by the VCAA and can be found
Introducing Going Green Together. Read more information HERE
Mission – supporting organisations and communities in the North East to take climate actions.
Read more information HERE