Pioneering Care Partnership – Job Vacancy for a Full time Senior Research & Intelligence Worker

Full job description you can find HERE
Pioneering Care Partnership – Job Vacancy for a Part-time Options Day Service Assistant

Full job description you can find HERE
Hope & Anchor – Cancer support group

LARCH Community Enterprise Forum – 16th July 10:00 am -12:00 pm

You are warmly invited to the first LARCH Community Enterprise Forum 10:00 – 12:00 Friday 16th July 2021.
This is your chance to find out more about LARCH in the months before we launch activities on the ground as well as how you could play a part in continuing to shape and develop this exciting new initiative in the future.
If you are interested in building or supporting Social Enterprise in Redcar & Cleveland & Hartlepool then please come along – your ideas and expertise will be valued and welcomed!
If you have been involved in any stage previously we’d also love to see you there too and welcome your continued commitment!
LARCH (Local Access in Redcar & Cleveland & Hartlepool) is a new programme to support and build the social economy and is due to launch later in 2021.
LARCH will provide opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations to:
- Find out more about social enterprise, what it is and how it can help your organisation, the wider VCSE sector and our people and communities.
- Access support to develop ideas and realise enterprise and earned income plans
- Access finance to develop and grow social enterprises
- Positively impact our communities through different ways of doing business
The LARCH programme seeks to support existing VCS and social enterprise organisations with their enterprise plans, and support to local people wishing to develop and set up new social enterprises or community businesses.
Please register via LARCH Community Enterprise Forum for Redcar & Cleveland and Hartlepool | Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East (
Middlesbrough Erimus Rotary – Rotary Ride