Teesworks Heritage Task Force Survey
Letter of Invitation to participate in Phase 2 Consultation
As you may be aware, an independent Teesworks Heritage Task Force has been established with the mission to:
‘consult and explore ways to capture, record and recognise the cultural, economic and industrial heritage of the Teesworks site in Redcar which has been part of Teesside’s long and rich iron and steelmaking heritage. In addition to this, the Taskforce will make recommendations as to how this heritage can make a meaningful contribution to the sustainable economic growth of the Tees Valley’
We have undertaken public consultation to date which had over 160 responses. The next phase of this consultation is to speak to key interested parties and we would be grateful if you could pass this letter onto the Redcar | Cleveland Ambassadors. They can feedback as part of this next phase by:
- Completing a short online survey which will go live on 27 November here The closing date for completion of the survey is 11 December 2020;
- Meeting (virtually) a member of the Task Force – if you would like to meet, please email [email protected] by Tuesday 1 December (please enter ‘Teesworks Consultation’ as the e-mail subject). Slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
We look forward to hearing from you, if you would like any additional information or clarification then please get in touch.
COVID-19 Middlesbrough & Cleveland Impact Survey
Civil Society CIC would like to invite you to take part in the COVID-19 Middlesbrough & Cleveland Impact Survey: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/M3GNQCQ
Together Middlesbrough and Cleveland have asked us to find out about the impact of COVID-19 on the social sector across Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland.
To do this, we have designed a quick survey through which you can communicate the impact of the pandemic on your organisation and community. The survey responses will help us identify what we need to do for the future to best support you, so this is also an opportunity for you to voice your needs going forward – and your views and ideas about future actions.
A flyer is attached below to provide more information on this project, which has been made possible with the support of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund.
To make this a powerful report, we need to hear as many people and faith and community organisations as possible, so please forward on this survey to others who also deserve to share their views and perspectives. As well as the survey, we are carrying out up to 15 one-to-one interviews with key leaders and stakeholders.
If you prefer to contribute your perspectives in this format with more detail, please do contact Mark Ereira-Guyer [email protected] (07913 818838) or Francesca Godfrey [email protected]. We’re particularly keen to showcase community success and achievement, and share learning amongst all civil society organisations.
Winter Resilience Fund

This fund will provide financial support for voluntary organisations and community groups that are providing health and wellbeing support and have struggled financially during COVID-19 due to limited access to funding, loss of funding and an increase in workload.
Priority for funding will be given to locally based community organisations that support the health and wellbeing, including mental health, of local people in communities covered by:
- NHS Tees Valley CCG
- NHS Sunderland CCG
- NHS County Durham CCG
- NHS South Tyneside CCG
The funding has been provided through NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS) Mental Health programme.
Grant awards up to £25,000 will be considered (in exceptional circumstances a higher amount might be considered) and the funding should be fully spent by 31st March 2021.
The closing date for applications is Friday 11th December 2020.
Please read the guidelines carefully prior to applying.
Santa Drive in / Drop off
Santa has confirmed he will be attending the drive in / drop off at Redcar College on 12th December between 10am and 4pm, to help collecting new toys, for the Salvation Army, Food for the Redcar Foodbank and children’s clothing for the local clothing bank. Please bring your donations down, the site will be well managed for Covid safety.

Redcar & Cleveland’s Covid 19 Community Grant Sustaining Capacity

Covid-19 Community Groups/Organisations Small Grants Funds

Regenerate Autism Support