Our latest coronavirus guidance and analysis
Volunteers responding to coronavirus
Our volunteering development manager Shaun Delaney details the coordination efforts going on behind the scenes and explains the best ways to offer your support.
Coronavirus and charity funding: The latest developments
Our funding lead Paul Winyard has details of various initiatives to help voluntary organisations including the new National Emergencies Trust appeal and promises of support from 150 grantmakers.
What’s in the emergency coronavirus bill?
Douglas Dowell from our policy team analyses the implications for charities of proposals including emergency volunteering leave, changes to social care standards and restrictions on gatherings.
Free webinar, Wednesday 25 March,10.00:
Coronavirus and your charity: Key legal issues to consider
We’re joining legal experts Bates Wells who will be advising on:
- HR and employment law
- contracts, insurance and serious incident reporting
- governance and solvency considerations
- legal considerations when managing volunteers
- meetings and decision making.
There will also be a Q&A session for any questions you have. Register now
And here’s a reminder of our main coronavirus practical guidance page which we are updating frequently:
Your organisation and coronavirus
We hope you find this information helpful and rest assured, we will continue to share new and updated guidance with you as the situation develops.