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Safeguarding Children Core Level 3 Training


Safeguarding Children Core LEVEL 3 Training
Thursday 25 July 2019
09.30am to 4.30pm
Facilitator: This 1 day course is facilitated by Wendy Murdoch, Independent Trainer on behalf of the LSCBs
 This training is suitable for members of the workforce who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns. (e.g. teachers, children’s social care staff, health visitors, probation staff, midwives, school nurses, sexual health staff, youth workers, paediatricians, those working in the early years sector, GPs, residential staff, sports club welfare officers, those working with adults in, for example, learning disability, mental health, alcohol and drug misuse services, those working in community play schemes.)
Bridgeway Project – Allendale Road, Ormesby, Middlesbrough. TS7 9LF
TEA/COFFEE available to purchase from the venue from 09.15am at a cost of £1 for the day – LUNCH IS NOT PROVIDED
Aim: To enable participants to understand their role and responsibility in safeguarding children within a multi-agency context in order to achieve better outcomes for children and young people.
By the end of the training you will:
  • Understand the key principles relating to the identification and protection of vulnerable children within the “Children Act” (1989/2004) and “Working Together” (2015 – may require amendments when WT 2018 published)
  • Have a raised awareness of learning from local and national serious case reviews
  • Recognise the indicators of child abuse and the subsequent short and long term impact on children and young people, including an understanding of the 4 categories of abuse (as per Working Together 2015)
  • Recognise the potential pre-disposing factors of child abuse and neglect including family history and functioning and the impact of parental mental health issues, parental substance misuse, domestic abuse and parental learning disabilities.
  • Be able to identify those professionals who may be consulted for support and advice
  • Be able to respond appropriately to concerns regarding a child’s safety or welfare.
  • Be able to carry out and/or contribute to sound child focused assessments and evidence decision making including an understanding of the Regional Assessment Framework (2013) and the process of professional challenge.
  • Understand the importance of documentation, communication and information sharing between professionals to effectively safeguard children whilst clarifying the issues of confidentiality.
  • Be aware of the tasks, processes principles, roles and responsibilities outlined in national guidance and local arrangements (LSCB procedures) for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare.(including the function of a child protection strategy meeting, case conference and core group meetings) and be able to contribute effectively.
  • Be able to work effectively with children and family members and recognise and address lack of cooperation and superficial compliance within the context of their role.
  • By applying to attend this course you agree to complete an evaluation on the day and also an impact evaluation approximately 3 months after attending.
  • Training is free to not for profit agencies in the Middlesbrough & Redcar & Cleveland area.
  • In accordance with LSCB Charging Policy, a non-attendance charge will be incurred if the applicant, having secured a place on the course, does not attend or fails to give at least 5 working days’ notice of non-attendance. Managers will be informed of their non-attendance.
Contact Details
Job Title / Role:  
Your Organisation  
Work Address:  
Telephone Number  
Managers details
attendance on courses will not be approved without the information below
Telephone Number  
Manager’s e-mail address  
Agrees you can attend Yes            No             (please tick)

Completed application form:

If you have not heard from us within 7 working days of the course commencing please ring LSCB Training 01642 444336.

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