Tees Valley Rural Action Village Halls Conference 2019

Tees Valley Rural Action
Village Halls/Community Venue Conference
Middleton St George Community Centre
Water Park, Station Road
Middleton St George
Sponsored by Norris & Fisher (Insurance Brokers) Ltd
24th January 2019
9.15am – 14.30pm
Come along and meet with your colleagues and friends to find out what is happening in the world of village halls. You will have access to key information, expert advice and the opportunity to share experiences and network. Please promote on social media using #VillageHallsWeek 2019.
9.15am Registration
9.45am Housekeeping
9.50am Introduction – Rita Lawson Chief Executive, Tees Valley Rural Action
10.00am “Insurance – setting you buildings sum insured” – Philip Lowe on behalf of Norris & Fisher (Insurance Brokers) Ldt
10.30am Fire Risk Assessments – George Shield, Fire Safety Auditor, Cleveland Fire Brigade
11.00am Refreshment Break
11.30am Unpaid Work Unit – Speaker TBC
12.00pm Online Booking and Invoice Management of Your Hall- Bernard Hammick – Hallmaster
12.30pm Lunch, Networking and Information Stands
13.30pm Licences for Music, TV, Film and Entertainment – Peter Bryan
14.00pm Safeguarding Children and Adults Briefing – Chris Ashford from Local Safeguarding Children’s Board – Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board.
14.30pm Closing Remarks – Janice McColm, Tees Valley Rural Action
Members of Tees Valley Village Hall Network or Community Venue Management
Committees are able to book 2 free places
To book your two free places contact Julie Thornton or Janice McColm on 01642 213852
email: [email protected] or complete the attached form and return with your cheque if appropriate.
Additional places can be booked but to help with catering we need to make a small surcharge as follows:
- Tees Valley Village Hall Network/Community Venues, additional places – £5 per person
- Other Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations – £10 per person
- Statutory/Private Sector Organisations – £25 per person
Ormesby Hall Volunteer Recruitment Morning

NEPO Portal Global Registration

NEPO Portal Global Registration
To become a registered supplier and view forthcoming tender opportunities for NEPO and all Member Authorities you must register on our etendering system, an explanation of how to do this is shown below. You should be aware that by registering your details on the system, you will be added to a national database which will enable you to review opportunities from across the country. You can tailor your account to specify which UK region you can supply and this will drive your automatic notifications – a list of organisations using the same etendering system as NEPO is available to view here https://procontract.duenorth.com/Opportunities/Index.
- Go to our web site located at www.nepo.org
- Click on the “NEPO Portal Login” link in the top right hand corner of the page and click on “Supplier Login”.
- This will take you to the ProContract Homepage, click on the “Register” button and then click on the “continue” button and make your way through the registration wizard. After you have submitted your registration your username and password will be emailed to you. Further setup information is required such as selecting your categories and regions of interest. Login with your details and complete the account setup.
Please note: For system security purposes, you will no longer be able to use old versions of internet browsers*. You will need to make updates if you have: Internet Explorer (pre v9) / Chrome (pre v32) / Firefox (pre v30) / Safari (pre v6.26) / Opera (pre v22). *If you’re not sure what browser you’ re using, then visit www.whatbrowser.org . For more information about updating your browser, visit www.gov.uk/help/browsers
This registration has now added you a national database of suppliers, it does not mean you will be automatically approved to be invited to tender for NEPO, its Member Authorities or any other user of the etendering system.
You now have the facility to login to the system and view any forthcoming contracts and register your interest against them. An explanation of how to do this is given below:
- Go to our web site located at www.nepo.org
- Click on the Supplier Login link in the lefthand side of the screen and enter your username/password. To register interest against a contract, click on the “Find Opportunities” link.
- You can search for contract opportunities using ‘Narrow Your Results’ to the left of the page (e.g. choose a category, enter a contract reference number or a contract name within the ‘keywords’ field). Remember to click on the ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the search to apply any filters.
- Once you have located a contract you are interested in click on the contract title and click on the “Register interest in this opportunity” button. Please Note: The “Register Interest” button will only be visible during the specified Expression of Interest window and once you have registered your interest the button will be greyed out.
- Your contract registration will be confirmed by email.
- Once you have registered, you will either receive an email immediately inviting you to take part in the procurement exercise (with a link directly to the Project) or this will be issued once your interest has been approved. You can also access the Project by logging in as above, and using the activities area to find the specific Project and selecting the relevant Authority from the dropdown box. This will show any interest you have registered and all available Projects you’ve been invited to take part in.
For nontime critical issues http://proactis.kayako.com or email [email protected] Critical support issues i.e. document submission near tender deadline call 0330 005 0352
You can also review system help which is available at: https://supplierhelp.duenorth.com