Welcome to this edition of Inter-action
The e-newsletter of Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency.
Have you signed up for the weekly funding update from the local authority. If not contact Adrian Harris, The External Funding Lead who provides a weekly report of the latest announcements across the funding world. This can be sent to your inbox on request, just email [email protected] and ask to be added.
Affordable Warmth Project Grant Fund – Winter 2018-2019
Middlesbrough Affordable Warmth Partnership provides a person centred approach to fuel poverty whereby the householder is able to access a tailored packaged of support to ensure they are more able to improve their resilience to fuel poverty. Through the partnership residents can access a variety of support including:
- Temporary heating, blankets, torches, wind up lanterns etc
- Emergency fuel vouchers
- heating repairs where appropriate
- Help with increasing household income through benefit uptake, becoming more energy efficient, reducing fuel bills and managing fuel debt
- There is also a range of support to help with staying safe in the home e.g. via carbon monoxide monitors, cold alarms and dusk till dawn lights
Middlesbrough Public Health has provided funding to Middlesbrough Environment City which will be awarded via a grant giving process to organisations delivering affordable warmth projects during winter 2018 – 2019.
To help us improve the range of support on offer, proposals are invited for funding of between £2,000.00 and £10,000.00 to support projects which will address reducing fuel poverty and excess winter deaths in Middlesbrough and meet at least one of the key aims of the Middlesbrough Affordable Warmth Action Plan.
Proposals should target people who are in, or at risk of fuel poverty, across at least two of the following areas:
- People who have existing, long term health conditions, including long term mental health diagnosis, which make them vulnerable to the cold, including: cardio-vascular disease, lung disease (including COPD), arthritis and problems with mobility issues, Alzheimer’s and Dementia related diseases, and cancer.
- People over 65
- Families with children under 5
- People from ethnic minorities, asylum seekers and refugees
- Private Renting Tenants
- Young people aged 16-24 living in their own property
Key areas of support which are currently missing or limited within the current Affordable Warmth Partnership are:-
- Fuel debt and wider debt advice services
- Benefits checks at home for vulnerable people who struggle to get out
- Budgeting advice
- Provision and installation of small energy efficiency measures eg draught proofing
All activity must take place in Middlesbrough and projects must be delivered between 1st October 2018 and 31st March 2019.
The deadline for applications is noon 12th September 2018
Successful applications will receive the grant in three instalments. The first payment will be made by the end of September 2018. A second instalment will be paid in January 2019 pending receipt of an interim monitoring report. A final payment of 10% of the total of the grant will be paid at the end of the project pending receipt of a final report and evaluation. For more information about the project Click Here.

Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland Safeguarding Children Boards’ Training: Spaces Available September 2018
I am recirculating flyers for those courses in September 2018 which still have availability. Please see attached flyers for:

Gomediate Free Workshop – 10.00am, Thursday 13th September
Gomediate is delivering a free, intensive one-hour workshop on September 13th. It’s at Teesside University and it starts at 10.00am. Employers in the private, public and third sectors are invited to send up to two people to the workshop.
This fast paced one-hour taster session will give you a speedy insight into the basics of workplace conflict resolution. It looks at some of the theory and techniques used by mediators to bring about lasting, long-term resolution to disputes between colleagues, management and staff/volunteers, with clients and with suppliers. The workshop is an introduction to some of the subject matter that is covered in more depth on Gomediate’s one-day and three-days training courses.
Those who attend will receive an e-certificate confirming that they have completed one hour’s CPD training with Gomediate. You can book your free places by clicking the button below. But hurry; places are strictly limited. When they’re gone, they’re gone. For more info, or just a chat, give Mike James a call on 07933 294 292 or email [email protected].

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Mental Health Crisis Service – Surveys
South Tees, Hartlepool and Stockton CCG are undertaking some work to explore professionals’ knowledge and experiences of Tees Mental Health Crisis services in order to improve mental health service delivery.
The survey will take approximately five minutes to fill out and is open for completion until Thursday September 20.
If you have any queries or would like help to complete the survey please contact South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group enquiries 01642 263030 or email STCCG.enquiries@nhs.
Health care professionals
Patients and public
Also accessible on South Tees CCG and Hast CCG websites

Partners in Prevention Meeting
Further to discussions between the VCS and OPCC regarding the bid for funding to deliver a Cleveland-wide whole system approach to working with children affected by domestic abuse. Any VCOs interested in learning more about the proposed bid are invited to a meeting on Friday 14th September at 3pm for one hour at the new Cleveland Police Community Safety Hub at Hemlingon (TS8 9GL) – Next to the Unicorn Centre. (*Please note, access to the Visitor Car Park can be gained via Cliffland Way, adjacent to a large bungalow on Stainton Way, Hemlington).