Comic Relief: Thriving, not just surviving: young men and mental health.
Comic Relief have launched a £1.75 million fund to support vulnerable and disadvantaged young men with mental health problems. They are seeking proposals to deliver specialised mental health provision which puts the needs of young men at the heart of their work. They are especially interested in funding organisations that test out different approaches to engagement and support to establish what works. They encourage applicants to co-design activities with young men to ensure their needs, interests and priorities are met as well as challenging the barriers they face in accessing mental health provision.
They expect to make approximately 20 grants of around £100,000-£150,000 across the UK.
Evidence suggests that activity-based interventions have proven successful in engaging with young men, creating a space for them to firstly ask for help and then develop trust. Peer support and group activities have also been shown to be key factors in young men feeling more confident, comfortable and empowered to engage. We encourage all of our applicants to consider testing out different approaches to see what works.
They will prioritise applications which:
- Have consulted and plan to co-design activities with young men to ensure their needs and interests are met effectively.
- Are working with young men from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities or those with co-occurring learning disabilities and mental health problems.
- Use activity based interventions as a tool of engagement and/or that are psychologically informed. We expect to fund applications using the arts and sports as well as social and cultural activities.
- Promote and recognise the power of peer support and positive role models and incorporate these into their interventions.
- Ensure activities are carried out in non-stigmatising locations.
The timings for the initiative are as follows:
- Open for applications: 6th September – 13th October
- Shortlisting: 19th October – 8th November
- Assessments: 12th December – 22nd January, 18.
Below is a link to the Comic Relief website:
Demystifying Social Investment – Thursday 5th October
Endeavour Partnership and Northstar Ventures would like to invite you to a Charity Leaders breakfast at Endeavour Partnership.Tobias House, St Mark’s Court, Teesdale Business Park, Teesside, TS17 6QW on Thursday 5th October from 8.30am for a 9.00am start finish at 10.00am
For more information and how to book please click here
Are you interested in running a mother and toddler group in Dormanstown?
An opportunity has arisen for someone to run a mother and toddler group in the TA Hut Armitage Road Dormanstown. The hut is fully equipped with toys suitable for tots to play and learn, full central heating, a well equipped kitchen and an outside area safe for supervised play.
The club charges £15 per half day session; £30 for an all day session, and if you were to provide a snack lunch then a donation to cover the cost of the kitchen would be included.
This could be a community project opportunity for anyone interested in child care or a parent/grandparent with small children wishing to connect with other parents/grandparents.
If you are interested and would like more information phone Bob Binns 07722809829 or email [email protected]
FREE Community Health Champions Learning Day
When: Wednesday 27th September 2017
Time: 9:30-4:00
Where: Inspire2Learn, Eston
You will gain all of the information and support you need to become a Community Health Champion
You do not need any prior knowledge of health.
The Community Health Champions Learning Day is a relaxed and informative day covering the following topics:
Healthy Eating, Smoking, Mental Well Being, Alcohol, Cancer Awareness and Physical Activity
You will leave the day with a bank of top tips which you can pass on to family, friends and colleagues who may be interested in leading healthier lifestyles. You will also gain information about local services and activities which you can signpost people to if further support is needed.
To book a place or for further information please contact
T: 01287 612456
E: [email protected]

DoorWays Saltburn at the Explorer’s Lounge (Upstairs at Destinations)
How to increase your Well-being
Explore in a small group setting: 5 Ways to Well-being
When we increase our well-being, this in turn improves our health, mental ability, sense of awareness, choices and achievement; enabling change in outlook and an ability to set positive outcomes.
3 Free Sessions: – each Tuesday beginning Tuesday 12th Sep 1pm – 2:30
Call to register a place: 01287 236006