Safeguarding Children Refresher

This course was originally developed in collaboration with experts from six Safeguarding Children Boards
and has recently been updated to include all child safeguarding areas required to be covered by Ofsted and
CQC inspections, these include:
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Radicalisation
- Forced Marriage
- Child Trafficking
- Child Sexual Exploitation
You can find more information here.
Awareness of Domestic Abuse incl the Impact on Children, Young People and Adults At Risk

This course is primarily aimed at those who may come in to contact with children, young people, adults at risk and/or their families during the course of their work in the voluntary, statutory and independent sectors.
You can find more information here.
FREE E-Learning Resources for Parents and Carers
There are two free online courses, available to parents and carers, that have been developed in collaboration with the Virtual College.
Also attached is a free guide. You may be aware of these resources already but in case you are not:
The free online course for parents regarding suicide and self-harm may be accessed by clicking on
The free online course: ‘Keeping them safe…Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation’ (details here) has been developed to raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation with parents and carers, how to spot the signs and report any concerns. It may be accessed by visiting: and either logging into your learner record, or registering for e-learning. During the registration process, choose ‘other’ when asked to select a department and ‘parents and carers’ when asked to select a sub department.
Here is the free guide: ‘How can you safeguard children from sexting’.
Only 8 days left to say ‘Thank You’ to your Volunteers – RCVDA Volunteer Awards

If you haven’t already done so don’t forget to say ‘Thank You’ to your volunteers or team by nominating them for an award:
Nomination forms are available here
Please complete and simply click the submit button. You will then receive an automatic acknowledgment that we have received your submission.
The event is on Friday 14th July 2 – 4 pm in the Marquee at Westfield Farm – with a delightful afternoon tea!