Healthwatch Questionnaire
Your local Healthwatch needs you!
Local Healthwatch organisations have been set up across England to create a strong, independent consumer champion whose aim is to; strengthen the collective voice of citizens and communities in influencing local health and social care services to better meet their needs, and support people to find the right health and social care services for them by providing appropriate information, advice and signposting.
Please take a few moments to complete this short questionnaire.
A Day in the Life of…………….
Swap jobs with someone at DWP or Defra for a day in the North East NCVO’s work shadowing scheme for voluntary sector and civil service staff returns for its sixth year.
“A Day In The Life” matches voluntary sector staff with civil servants, giving each the chance to spend up to a day in each other’s work place. It’s free for voluntary sector staff to take part and you still have time to join. We’re looking for voluntary sector staff based in the North East and working in employment and training, social welfare, environment or animals to sign up. Submit your application now for the chance to experience life in either the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs or the Department for Work and Pensions.
It’s a unique and valuable learning and development opportunity for staff in both sectors: it opens up personal and organisational connections that can last much longer than the two days participants spend with each other.
Voluntary sector staff to find out about how government works in practice and government employees learn about the challenges facing charities and the difference that we make. Last year, 97% of voluntary sector survey respondents whose shadowing day took place said taking part was “very worthwhile” or “quite worthwhile”.
Get more information and apply at Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
ArtsBase are looking for Directors
Arts Base are a Community Interest Company based within the Earthbeat Centre at Saltburn by the Sea. ArtsBase services are available to people in Redcar and Cleveland; Middlesbrough; Stockton and County Durham. Their vision is to promote and provide a safe and therapeutic creative environment for individuals and groups to have access to Art Psychotherapies and arts based interventions.
ArtsBase are currently looking for more Directors to support the expansion of their service. They warmly invite expressions of interest. Ideally, they are looking for people who support the Arts and Arts Psychotherapies with some experience of either the voluntary sector; Management; writing funding and working with vulnerable people.
They warmly invite expressions of interest. Please contact them by email – [email protected] or call on 07495473612 for more information.
Diary of Events for Redcar Visually Impaired Group
If you are visually impaired or care for someone who is, join Redcar Visually Impaired Group on the last Friday of the month for fun activities and a cuppa.
See here for the calendar of events.
Fire Support Network offer PAT Testing
Be safe, not sorry!
Working hard throughout the Community of Cleveland, their team of dedicated volunteers ensure that residents are safer and have a clear plan of what to do in an emergency situation.
As part of their work they provide Portable Appliance Testing (P.A.T Testing) to other charities and members of the third sector for as little as £1.50 per item.
It is recommended that all electrical items within an organisation are P.A.T Tested as it ensures that electrical equipment is safe to use and would also mean that if a fire was caused by an electrical appliance that hadn’t been tested it could invalidate your insurance.
If your electrical items are due to be P.A.T Tested and you would them to provide you with a quotation please do not hesitate to call their office on 01642 288009
Get ready for winter by training with the British Red Cross
Darker nights, leaves on paths and cold weather, can all contribute to an increased risk of workplace accidents. In 2015/16, 19 per cent of non-fatal, self-report workplace injuries were caused by slips, trips and falls*.
Make sure your team is ready for winter by booking a first aid course today.
The benefits of training with us include:
- automated external defibrillator (AED) training included as standard on all first aid at work courses
- outstanding reputation for excellence and over 30 years’ experience – train with a name you can trust
- a practical, hands-on learning experience, delivering more effective learning
- free online learning support through our Safe Hands community after your course.
Beat the New Year rush – to find out more about our first aid at work training, call one of our advisors on 0845 485 3497 or book online.
*HSE Health and safety statistics annual report for Great Britain 2015/16
Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind are Recruiting!
Ageing Better Middlesbrough is a six year Big Lottery funded programme working to reduce loneliness and isolation in Middlesbrough for people aged fifty and over. Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind is the lead organisation for this innovative and exciting programme and they are now recruiting for a Communications Manager and an Involvement and Support Officer.
Please share this information with anyone who might be interested in this fantastic opportunity to be part of a significant and influential project which aims to improve the lives of thousands of people across Middlesbrough.
Communications Manager
Full time (36.5 hours per week)
£26,270 per annum
Involvement and Support Officer
15 hours per week
£24,240.23 – £26,664.05 (pro rata)
Please visit the link below for further information about the vacancy as well as details on how to apply:
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 7th January.
Join the Health Improvement Team
Why not join the Health Improvement Team for a FREE Community Health Champions Learning Day
When: 31st January 2017
Time: 9:30-4:00
Where: To be confirmed
You will gain all of the information and support you need to become a Community Health Champion
You do not need any prior knowledge of health
The Community Health Champions Learning Day is a relaxed and informative day covering the following topics:
Healthy Eating, Smoking, Mental Well Being, Alcohol, Cancer Awareness and Physical Activity
You will leave the day with a bank of top tips which you can pass on to family, friends and colleagues who may be interested in leading healthier lifestyles. You will also gain information about local services and activities which you can signpost people to if further support is needed.
Take a look at the Health Champions Information Sheet here
To book a place or for further information please contact Lesley Gibbin by Friday 9th January 2017
T: 07909 906415
E: [email protected]
Doorways has a new phone number….

Let’s Talk Good Finance
January 19th, 2017 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Room T2.07.The Curve, Teesside University, Southfield Road Middlesbrough, TS1 3JN
Big Society Capital are working with Social Enterprise Acumen and VONNE to bring their Let’s Talk Good Finance events to the North East. This event is the third in a series of events aiming to bring together charities, social enterprises and organisations with social investors and intermediary bodies to network, share information and discuss latest issues relating to social finance.
Register here:{contact.checksum}&cid={contact.contact_id}
What’s In It For Me – Social Enterprises and Charities:
- To increase accessibility to social enterprise and charity leaders who have already accessed social investment
- To meet potential social investors
- To learn about new social investment initiatives, funds and instruments
- To be able to ask questions in a safe and non-judgemental space
- To understand more about when social investment is not suitable or appropriate
The event will include:
Market Updates and Case Studies – Updates from Big Society Capital and local and national social investment organisations
Hear from a Peer – Case studies of organisations who have been through the social investment journey
Hot Topic Half Hour – Find out about what is the new news in this space
Over to you – the networking session that’s all about you and good networking. Come armed with a question, a challenge you need help with, a connection you need to make and with the help of the crowd we will see
FRIENDS Facilitator Training
“Following the success of the Resilience based facilitator training we hosted. We are delighted to offer you a further opportunity for staff working with children and young people to be trained up in the FRIENDS resilience-based group work programme which is delivered to children and young people aged from 4-16.
FRIENDS is an intervention programme underpinned by the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with the primary aim of reducing participant anxiety levels and increasing resilience. It has been recognised by the World Health Organisation for over 12 years an evidence based programme effective in preventing and reducing anxiety as a universal and targeted intervention (WHO, 2015). The Department for Education (2014) also endorse this programme as giving participants the tools and resources to cope with challenging and stressful situations. After completing Friends for Life, children demonstrate improved social skills, increased focus and ability to concentrate and reduced anxiety and low mood (WHO, 2015).
The programmes are broken up into three age-appropriate modules and participants will be trained to deliver all three programmes. Attendees will be recognised and registered as Friends facilitators to deliver these programmes directly to children and young people. Once training is completed, participants are fully licensed to start delivering the training.
We have an opportunity to have the trainer Dr Orlaith Donnelly deliver FRIENDS Facilitator Training at ABC Centre in Billingham. It is a one day course (9.30 till 4.00) for a charge of £225 (including VAT) The cost includes
- Friends group training manual and activity work book to start running the groups
- all material and session plans are in it.
- Lunch is also provided.
The date for the training is 27th January 2017 and there are limited places left.”
Please let Sandra Bell know as soon as you can if you wish to secure a place on 07926390849.
First Light Trust
If you know, or are someone leaving any of the Armed Services or Emergency Services and want someone to talk to, or don’t know where to go or what to do, than contact First Light Trust – 07436 102594.
Please share this poster to as many people as you can, and display it where possible,