Training for the Voluntary and Community Sector
RCVDA and Redcar Adult Learning are working in partnership and have produced a number of courses available to anyone (aged 19 or over) working or volunteering in the voluntary sector based in the Redcar and Cleveland area.
All courses are on a first come, first served basis.
- Chairing effective meetings
- Minute taking
- Safeguarding (FREE course)
- WRAP/Prevent (FREE course)
- Successful bid writing
- The art of writing a newsletter
Take a look at the brochure here, and for more information or to book your place, please contact Adult Education on 01642 771197.
FREE Online Training Courses – Safeguarding

Job Opportunities at EVA Women’s Aid
EVA Women’s Aid (Redcar, Cleveland) is recruiting the following Staff;
Specialist Support Worker (Outreach /Under-Represented groups)
Fixed –Term Contract until October 2019, 20hrs per week, Salary £17,161 – £19,126. (FTE)
Volunteer Coordinator
Fixed Term Contract until October 2019, 7.5hrs per week, Salary £17,161 – £19,126. (FTE)
Support Worker (Programme Development and Delivery)
Fixed Term Contract until October 2019, 15hrs per week, Salary £17,161 – £19,126. (FTE)
Closing date for all posts – 12.10.2016. Interviews W/C 17th October 2016
For an application pack, please email [email protected]. CVs will not be accepted.
EVA supports women, young people and children affected by domestic abuse/sexual violence.
You must hold a full UK driving license and access to a vehicle to apply for these posts.
RCEW requires the post holder to be female – Genuine Occupational Requirement (GOR) Schedule 9, Part 1 (Occupational Requirements) of the Equality Act 2010 applies
Wild Food Walk in Loftus – Saturday 15th October

Older People’s Partnership – Autumn Newsletter
Take a look at the most recent newsletter for information, news and a giggle!
Raising Resilient Children – Workshops

Building Future Sustainability
A programme for the voluntary sector to bring in more money, from more sources, more regularly
October 2016-March 2017
Location: Newcastle or Hartlepool
In February and March 2016 the Community Foundation ran Building Future Sustainability through its Partnerships Programme to help ‘mid-range’ organisations begin to prepare for what could be a very different kind of future.
The programme helps delegates add value to their bid writing skills to get to the front of the queue but also explores the potential of closer working with the corporate sector, the wider community and rich individuals. The programme focusses on partnerships, contracts, grants and trading as income generation options and how they might become part of the revenue mix for local groups. Such was the success of this multi strand income generating training programme that it will be repeated again this winter. You can hear how previous participants felt about the programme here
The Community Foundation has worked with Mark Butcher Associates to create a programme designed to support greater sustainability for charities and community groups across the North East. And once again we have support from Esmée Fairbairn and Garfield Weston Foundations to allow significant price subsidies.
For more information and to book please go to
FREE Dog Chipping – Monday 10th October
The Dogs’ trust will health-check every dog and micro-chip [free of charge] every dog attending not already micro chipped. They will also promote their dog neutering offer (£30) to those eligible, along with details of affordable pet health care available from vets locally .

North Star Usay! Fund – closing date for applications is 30th September
‘North Star, in partnership with our tenants’ panel North Star Link and our damp services contractor, Marsden, have allocated £3,000 to be donated to local charities or community groups in Redcar and Cleveland.
Attendees of our Tenant Event on 20th October will make the final decision about who will receive donations from the fund.
We are inviting charities and community groups to apply to be considered for a share of the £3,000 donation pot.
As we cannot guarantee how much of this pot will be available to each applicant, we are not asking for specific projects. Instead we want to know about what your group does and how a donation will help you to support your local community.
If your application is successful you will be invited to the North Star Tenant Event on 20th October. Each attendee (all North Star tenants, staff and partner organisations) will be issued with tokens representing an equal share of the available pot. You will be asked to give a short presentation and provide an information stand to help attendees decide where they would like to see the money go.
The closing date for applications is: 5pm, Friday September 30th 2016.
Late applications will not be considered
Shortlisted applicants will be notified no later than Wednesday 5th October.
For more information and an application pack, please contact Peter Locke, Community Investment Officer – 01642 796 217 or [email protected]‘
AVIVA Community Fund is now open!!
How could your community spend upto £25,000? Take a look at the website to find out how to apply!