Mental Health First Aid Courses
Mental ill health costs UK employers an estimated £26 billion, which equates to an average of over £1,000 per employee. By learning to recognise the signs that someone may be unwell, you may be able to provide initial help, to guide a person towards appropriate help and in its most powerful form, save a life by learning basic suicide intervention skills.
The Link are running our next Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course, an internationally recognised intensive course delivered over two days and aimed at those without specialist mental health training on the 12th and 13th of October at The Bridgeway Centre in Middlesbrough. Cost is £150 per person and places must be booked in advance. Please contact Sarah Noteyoung on 01642 505580 or email [email protected]
Fancy a Taste of Africa – FREE entry on 8th October

World Mental Health Day – 7th October ‘Turning the Tide’
Come along to the Redcar & Cleveland Community Heart between 10am and 2pm to find out more about improving the mental health and wellbeing of everyone within the community!
See here for the poster with further information for this FREE event!
Two Job Opportunities – Health Link Workers
Redcar & Cleveland Mind are seeking to recruit 2 x Health Link Workers (Step Forward Tees Valley Project, beginning on 1st October 2016) to provide essential support to the participants of the Step Forward Programme. This project is jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund. Hours 18.5 – 37.5 per week, subject to negotiation (£10.74 ph)
Building Better Opportunities is a multi-million pound funding programme which matches money from the European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020 and Big Lottery Fund, to invest in local projects that tackle the root causes of poverty and social exclusion faced by the most disadvantaged people in England. The Department for Work and Pensions is the Managing Authority for the England European Social Fund. The Northern Inclusion Consortium has been successful in securing the grant for the Building Better Opportunities programme across the Tees Valley Area and will deliver this through the Step Forward Tees Valley programme supporting approximately 2,500 people living in the Tees Valley area, experiencing a range of complex needs, to make lasting and positive change and to move, in time, into training and employment.
Do you have the knowledge and understanding of the health barriers to unemployment, training and education?
Do you have experience of working in communities and engaging workless participants?
Would you like to come to work every day and make a difference?
If so, then this could be the job for you!
Reporting directly to the Health & Wellbeing Team Leader (Step Forward Tees Valley Project) you will manage a caseload of Step Forward participants and provide them with 1:1 support, helping them overcome health barriers to employment and training. You will help participants to accept, adjust and when able recover from physical and/or mental health conditions and support people them to access mainstream activities and resources which will help them to better manage their conditions and move towards or into employment. You will support them through every stage of their journey, addressing barriers preventing engagement and introducing activities to support progression. Your duties will involve;
- Working with referral partners to promote Step Forward Tees Valley to the targeted participants
- Being responsible for a designated caseload, carrying out personalised, recovery focussed action planning
- Promoting good mental and physical health and well-being, and encouraging and supporting activities which develop healthy lifestyles
- Developing action plans for participants with clear goals, and identifying barriers and measures to overcome these barriers
For further information about these roles please contact Sam Picknett, Business Support Manager (Redcar & Cleveland Mind) on 01642 296052. To request an application pack please email [email protected] or call 01642 296052.
Closing date 30th September 2016. Interviews will be held on Monday 10th October 2016.
Redcar & Cleveland Mind is an equal opportunities employer and we are committed to equality of opportunity for all staff and applications from individuals are encouraged regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships
Charity Registration: 1142520 Company Registration: 7626797
Redcar & Cleveland Safeguarding Children Board – September Bulletin
See here for the latest bulletin from RCSCB
AVIVA Community Fund is now open!!
How could your community spend upto £25,000? Take a look at the website to find out how to apply!