FREE Intimate Care Training
Please find below the dates and information for the FREE Intimate Care Training
To reserve a place on this session please contact the workforce development team at
Dates: 7th October 2016 – 09:30-12:00 and 27th January 2017 – 09:30-12:00
Venue is 25K Youth & Community Centre, 25K, Ayton Drive, Redcar. TS10 4EW
Aim: To provide care and support staff with the skills and knowledge to provide intimate care to service users in the care setting and within the community. This training will meet the requirements of current health and safety legislation, regulatory standards and best practice.
Learning Outcomes:
- The importance of dignity & ensuring dignity is high priority
- Understand and apply good practice principles including: providing person centred care, maintaining an appropriate level of confidentiality, dignity, applying good health and safety practices, working with carers and partners and incorporating relevant legislation.
- Understand how to collate information to support intimate personal care and how to document individualised care plans for people for whom they are responsible.
- Understand the Social Model of Disability and how this may impact on an individual
- Discuss the issues that may be raised through the provision of intimate personal care.
- Consider a number of case studies and provide evidence of an understanding of the implications of providing intimate personal care for the worker and the service user.
Target Audience is Adult Social Care and Support Staff
Length of the Programme is 2½ Hours
Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board
Hello Everyone,
Please find here the latest flyer from the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board promoting their e learning programme, that now includes Awareness of Child/Adult Sexual Exploitation. Please advertise to your teams, as appropriate, and print and display information where you can.
The Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board also offers alternate training options through written workbooks as follows:
Safeguarding Adults and Learning for Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Domestic Abuse
Forced Marriage
Female Genital Mutilation
Please explore the website and keep up to date with their news and available training. The Board produces e-bulletins that are circulated regularly.
NOTE: All training offered is free, however, there is a 4 week expected completion date for all e learning licenses, that is advised upon registration together with the recharge policy. If you, or a member of your team, have registered for an e learning module previously and not completed, your organisation may now be liable for a charge so please endeavour to complete any pending modules as soon as possible.
Please contact Paul Mundy, details below, if you have any queries.
Paul Mundy
Learning & Development Coordinator
Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board Business Unit
3rd Floor, Kingsway House, Billingham, TS23 2NX
Telephone: 01642 52 7942
Ceiling Tiles Wanted Please!!
Saabat Community Gallery is trying to make the space more welcoming and has over the past year done lots of renovation. They are now looking to the community for some support. They need to replace broken and missing ceiling tiles and would welcome any second hand tiles that are available. The tiles are standard size and so long as they are not broken, will welcome any that are available. Any buildings the council is planning to sell off might have some in, or anyone doing extensive renovation may have to replace theirs due to stains or other cosmetic damage, they will welcome them. They need around 150 in all but will welcome what they can get.
Please contact Adrian Moule 07970202135 and he will arrange collection.
Tender Opportunities – NEPO
The following tender opportunities have now been published via the NEPO portal (
DN171220 – Legal services in relation to litigation work for insurance claims
DN169238 – Telecare and Assistive Technology Services
DN171524 – Older Persons Extra Care – The Dunes, Redcar
Visit for details.
Stress Buster Retreat
John Pearson of InnerShell is running a morning retreat on Saturday 20th August.
This will be a great opportunity for time out / managing stress and being able to see things differently.
Ideal for our tired support workers, carers, teachers, parents etc.
To find out more about it contact John on 07769 694121.
FREE Digital Workshop for Start Ups
Steve Thompson is offering this FREE digital Workshop.
Steve Thompson has been a Steelworker a record producer, a hit song writer, and an educator. He has been described by “Future Democracy” as “one of Europe’s most original thinkers on community engagement using new technologies”.
He is currently developing and delivering digital skills in a range of subjects for Community Groups, Organisations, and Businesses. As a Digital Consultant, he is delivering services to a range of clients large and small.
He has taught wikis in a Museum in Vienna, social media deep in a forest in Poland, multimedia in Germany and lectured in Heavy Metal at the University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki.
Steve has taught classes in Higher Education at degree level, in Further Education Colleges as well as primary and secondary schools. He has also supported Social Enterprises, SME’s and Communities.
He has worked as a consultant to various Universities and Local Authorities on research projects and has been PI and Co-I on three AHRC research projects within the Connected Communities and Cultural Economy Thematic. He is a founder member of the international Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) and a “core member” of the Digital Economy ‘Communities and Culture’ Network (CCN+) He was for 15 years the Community Engagement Coordinator and Social Entrepreneur in Residence at Teesside University and has developed and delivered a range of digital skills workshops to a broad range of sectors including SME’s, Social Enterprises and Community Groups.
“We pay tribute to the innovative and inspiring ‘model’ of ICT learning and support established by Steve Thompson and look forward to seeing it emulated more widely” From “A Sense of Adventure” published by Loughborough University, November 2012.
See more testimonials at: