Tees Valley Partner Bursary Scheme 2016
The Tees Valley Partner Bursary Scheme 2016 has been launched! There is a small amount of funding available which aims to support the partners achieve their priorities by offering funding support to increase workforce capacity in identified areas of need that will encourage and motivate people to take part in sport and lead to increasing or sustaining participation aged 14 years and over playing sport once or more than once a week.
They will fund 50% (up to a maximum of £150) of NGB Level 1, Level 2 & NGB Activator courses, NGB sport specific or disability CPD workshops in return for 1 hours volunteering for every £10 granted.
Your application must demonstrate how receiving the funding will impact on the following:
A) National Governing Body Whole Sport Plans
B) Community Sport Activation Fund Programmes
C) Sport England Programmes: Sportivate, Satellite Clubs or School Games
Please see here for the application form, closing date is Friday 12th February 2016.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Victoria Auton, Coaching Development Manager at Tees Valley Sport on 01642 342287 or e-mail at [email protected]
Social Enterprise Start-Up Support Event – Friday 5th February
Purpose: to present an overview of the support available to Social Enterprises in Redcar & Cleveland and the opportunity to apply to the School of Social Entrepreneurs in the North-East for a year’s business support. Successful applicants will benefit from practical sessions involving inspiring speakers, a business mentor and a £4,000 grant.
Time & Date: 10am – 12noon, Friday, 5th February 2016
Venue: Conference Room 2, Redcar & Cleveland House, Redcar, TS10 1RT.
Eligibility: Anyone in the early stages of setting up a social enterprise or community enterprise (or who just has an idea) can apply for the course. There are no age restrictions and no qualifications are needed.
Deadlines: The recruitment for the 2016/2017 programme opens at the beginning of February and closes on March 21st.
To book on this event and for further information, contact Lola Ibhadon on Tel: 01642 444367, Mobile: 07825 228021 or e: [email protected]
Young Carers: Identification, Assessment and Transitions – Friday 5th February
This is a FREE event and is open to anyone working with young carers or young people in transition to adult services.
Booking can be made by following the WEBLINK here or on the Programme here.
Young Carers: Identification, Assessment and Transitions
5 February 2016
The National Glass Centre, Sunderland SR6 0GL
The programme includes:
- a national policy perspective
- voices of young carers and the importance for them of joined up working
- one of the trailblazers from the ‘Making a Step Change’ project
- update on current status of the ‘No Wrong Doors MOU’ in the region
- exploring how the MOU would operate in case-based scenarios
Invitation to a Funding Event – BIG Potential: Social Investment Explained Wednesday 10th February
Helping you start your social investment journey
Big Potential is a £20m programme that helps voluntary, community and social enterprises find out if social investment is right for them and gets them started on the journey towards their first investment.
You are invited to attend the next Big Potential event on 10th February 2016 at the Dolphin Centre, Darlington.
See here for more information, and the agenda.
North East Disability Sports Awards – Hurry…..closing date for nominations is this Sunday!
Nominations are open for the North East Disability Sports Awards which recognise and reward the sporting achievements of participants, clubs, schools and volunteers in disability sport across the North East region from January to December 2015.
The nomination categories are:
- Male Personality
- Female Personality
- Young Male Achiever
- Young Female Achiever
- Participant Award
- Team of the Year
- Coach of the Year
- Service to Sport Award
- Outstanding Club of Group Award
- School Award
To make a nomination please complete the online form at http://www.nedsa.co.uk
The closing date for nominations is Sunday 31st January 2016.
The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday 14th April at The Dolphin Centre in Darlington.
Please see the flyer here for more details.
Fully Funded Work Based Programmes
Work Wise Personnel have Full Funding for Work-based courses through the apprenticeships programmes.
The courses below are ideal for any staff in a Team Leading/Supervisory role or Management.
Management and Leadership Level 5
Management Level 2 and 3
Team Leading Level 2
Do you have any staff that would like to enrol?
Please complete this form and return.
Eligibility – Over 16yrs of age and
Requested course must not be lower than their previous highest qualification.
Invitation to Fit for the Future

Fit for the Future: Leading the way in Health and Care, Social Enterprise UK’s seventh annual health conference, is a practical one-day event for social enterprises, charities, housing associations, local authorities, CCGs, health and wellbeing boards, and those working in the NHS.
With health and care facing a financial precipice this conference aims to acknowledge the challenges and explore solutions and opportunities available for social enterprises and charities operating in this often complex environment.
The event is designed to help all delegates build better partnerships, learn from frontline practice and gain insight from experts such as John Appleby (Chief Economist from the Kings Fund), Rt Hon Jacqui Smith (Chair of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust) and Samantha Jones (Director of the New Care Models Programme, NHS England).
Most importantly, it will provide an opportunity to look forward, to hear from new voices, and to debate openly.
Join us at this year’s event.
When? Thursday 3rd March 2016
Where? Birmingham Voluntary Service Council – 138 Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6DR
Book today for early bird tickets