Launch of Men’s Shed on Saturday 21st November 2015
Footprints in the Community have a new project: Men’s Shed!!!!
The launch is open to men and women – however after the launch it will be a male only zone! A place where men can come together and chat, do some woodwork or work on their own projects; learn new skills or share their skills with others. Why not pop in any time between 10am and 4pm at 17 Queen Street in Redcar and see what it’s all about.
Please feel free to share this poster with your friends, family and colleagues.
Carers Rights Day – 20th November 2015
Having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference when you are looking after someone.
This event is on 20th November from 12-2pm at 25k, Ayton Drive, Redcar TS10 4EW.
Take a look at the flyer here to see how to book your place.
Care Leaver Health Project – need your help!
The Care Leavers Association (CLA) has been funded by the department of Health to work on a project to improve the health of care leavers. To do this they are working with Clinical commissioning groups (CCG’s) to make them better informed about the health needs of care leavers. Once they have built up a good information bank they will be helping those CCG’s to develop resources to commission more effective health services. You can read more about the project at
David Graham and Jakeb Braden from CLA write:
“We need your help.
As part of the project we are going to establish 3 user led health forums. They will meet 6 times over the next 2 years. They will be held in London, Birmingham and Manchester.
We would like care leavers to come along to the forum and talk about their own experiences in relation to health. We are looking for discussions around all aspects of health and attending health services. We would want to talk about what helped and what didn’t help. Eventually at a later date we would like you to help us produce some resources.
The forums will also be a chance to meet other care leavers.
Travel expenses will be paid to attend the forums.
We are looking for up to 12 people to attend in each area. The first meetings will be held in Manchester 8th December, London 10th December and Birmingham 15th December.
At the moment we have an option to meet in the afternoon, 2-4 or early evening 6-8. We will choose the time when most can make.
If you are interested in attending please email telling us your name, age, where you live, which forum you can attend and if you would prefer afternoon or evening.”
Cancer Awareness Survey – can you help?
The public health team in Middlesbrough are working with local partners to raise awareness of cancer and the associated risk factors for cancer.
Their aim is to develop a town wide campaign based on the specific needs of the people living in Middlesbrough. To help develop the campaign they are gathering information on what people know and understand about cancer. They would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Please be as honest as possible. Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous.
We understand that Cancer can be a sensitive subject for many people and please understand it is not our intention to offend, we are simply trying to capture as many views as possible on a subject which impacts on many people’s lives.
At the end of the questionnaire you will find all the correct answers and links to further information which you may find useful.
Please click on the link below to start the questionnaire
If you wish to find out more information about the campaign development or would like to help shape a local campaign by giving your views as part of a focus group please contact Becky James – Health Improvement Specialist, Improving Public Health,
Better Care Fund: Live Well Dementia Project
Catalyst have asked us to share this information:
An opportunity has arisen for local VCSE providers to submit an expression of interest for the provision of a pilot programme under the Better Care Fund Dementia Strand.
The outline details of the pilot are on our website and interested groups are requested to submit an Expression of Interest of no more than 3 sides of A4 demonstrating their current services, operational capacity, value and knowledge of Stockton-on-Tees networks & potential partners.
A maximum of four providers will be invited to a full tender briefing session and invited to develop a full bid for the pilot project.
Project details:
We are looking for a provider to deliver:
- A 12 month pilot;
- 2 groups of the evidence based Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST) programme in 3 localities in Stockton (6 groups in total);
- One to One MCST in client’s own home for at least 100 people (individual with dementia and their carers);
- Facilitate and support the individual with dementia and carers to develop a network of peer support and participate in other community groups.
Expected outcomes
We are seeking to achieve the following outcomes:
- Carers to take a short break;
- For the individual with dementia – improved cognitive functioning, psychosocial wellbeing and behaviour;
- For the carers – improved psychosocial wellbeing, reduction in carer’s strain and improved ability to cope as a carer for someone with dementia;
- Reduction/delay in the need for carer support and admission to care home;
- Prevention of potential crisis caused by deterioration in physical or mental health problems;
- Close link with local dementia services and health and social care services.
Cost: maximum £57,600
Much more information, including score weighting, and timescales, is available on our website.
Please return expressions of interest to by 12.00pm on Friday 6th November. Should you require any further information about this opportunity please contact Steve Rose on 01642 7533906 or Yvonne Cheung 01642 524577 or
Me Learning Care Act On-line Training System
Implementation of the Care Act in April 2015 has significant implications for adult social care in England. The changes impact on care providers and user organisations, their roles in the delivery of care and the expectations and duties now placed on them by the new legislation.
Preparing your workforce and distilling the vast array of materials produced by Skills for Care on behalf of the Department of Health, places a burden on those responsible for providing that training. In that respect, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council has invested in an on-line training system to support you in training and preparing your staff for the Care Act 2014.
Please see here for a copy of the technical requirements document from Me Learning which will support you in the Internet Access required for this process.
All registrations will be by the Self-registration link below:
Please note that going through the registration process there is a group field – the selection on this field for the appropriate staff group highlights but it does not enter so please just proceed to the log in request button.
The Workforce Development Team will receive your request and aim to respond promptly to allow access as soon as possible, this will only be possible during office hours. An email will then be returned to the candidate advising log on details.
Initially all candidates will be told they are enrolled automatically onto the Introduction and Overview Module. However, the full range of modules are then available to all in the course library.
You will need to advise your workforce which modules you wish them to complete.
Summary of the modules available:
- Introduction and Overview
- Information and Advice
- Assessment and Eligibility
- Independent Advocacy
- Charging and Financial Assessment
- Deferred Payments
- Care and Support Planning
- Personal Budgets
- Direct Payments
- Review of Care and Support Plans
- Transition to Adulthood
- Integration, Cooperation and Partnerships
Please email any queries to the:
Workforce Development Team
Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
Belmont House
Rectory Lane
TS14 7FD
Tel: 01642 771559/771651
Training Opportunity – Young People’s Emotional Mental Wellbeing
The Academy of School Counselling is offering a unique opportunity to experience cutting edge training in child therapy.
Please see here to see what they are offering.
Redcar & Cleveland Safeguarding Children’s Board
Take a look at their most recent Newsletter here.
Job Vacancy with Together Middlesbrough & Cleveland
DEVELOPMENT WORKER (Redcar and Cleveland) 20 hours per week
Do you believe the church has a vital role to play in tackling poverty?
Do you have a vision for a Christian response to tackling poverty and disadvantage?
Are you passionate about spiritual and social transformation?
Please see here to view the full job advert or take a look at the website