Delivery Partner Expression of Interest Form
Deadline for Return of Forms – 12 Noon on Friday 8th May 2015
Hartlepool Borough Council (HBC) as the lead accountable body; in partnership with the four other Local Authorities in the Tees Valley, Tees Valley FE+ and Cleveland College of Art & Design, will be submitting applications for all three Open Calls relating to the YEI Programme. As part of this process, HBC welcomes interested delivery partners to submit an Expression of Interest Form to establish a Tees Valley wide consortium.
Prior to completing this form, please read the following: –
- Information within the three YEI Open Call documents. (contains the eligibility guidance document which includes information relating to ‘match’ funding)
- Tees Valley European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) Strategy.
The total funding allocation for all three Open Calls equates to €14.7m ESF and €14.7m YEI for investment priority 1.3 and at the current exchange rates this is equivalent to £10.9m from ESF and £10.9m from YEI. Alongside this funding allocation there is an estimated £8m of match funding required and details relating to what constitutes ‘match’ are available within the eligibility guidance document.
All activities delivered through the YEI Programme must fit with the Open Calls and add value to the existing provision which is delivered across the Tees Valley. Note that this is an informal request for information to gauge your level of interest and your ability to act as a delivery partner and does not commit you or the Council at this stage. Those delivery partners who will be named within the bid will be informed prior to the submission dates.
Please complete the relevant sections within the table here and return by email to Julie Seymour, YEI Project Co-ordinator at by 12 noon on Friday 8th May 2015.
If you require any further information or have any queries regarding this form then contact either Julie Seymour on 01429 523520 or Scott Campbell on 01429 284306.