European social inclusion funding - Survey - RCVDA

European social inclusion funding – Survey

You will be aware from previous correspondence of the development work we are undertaking in relation to European social inclusion funding for the Tees Valley area. Please accept our apologies for re-issuing a new survey. The survey is more focused on the emerging themes arising from the review of available evidence, and we would be really grateful if you could find the time to complete the survey and return it as indicated on the form. Thank you to those who completed the previous survey before it was withdrawn. These have provided some really useful information, the findings of which can be included in our development work and final report.

All returned surveys will be dealt with confidentially, and specific organisations will not be identified in any analysis or reports.

Link to Survey

If you have any questions relating to the survey please contact Malcolm Walker ([email protected]) or Paul Hyde ([email protected]).

An Invitation to Join Our Focus Group Meetings

The next stage of our development work involves sharing our findings around emerging themes and details of the social inclusion programme, and exploring local priorities, gaps and approaches with potential stakeholders. To do this we have arranged the following four focus group meetings around the themes emerging from the development work so far:

Monday February 23rd 1-3.30pm

Tackling barriers to employment for people with complex multiple needs: general wellbeing and mental health

Tuesday February 24th 9.30-12

Tackling barriers to employment (including digital inclusion and transport) through Financial Inclusion

Wednesday February 25th 1-3.30pm

Tackling barriers to employment for people with complex multiple needs: alcohol and substance misuse

Thursday February 26th 10 -12.30

Enhancing employability through providing volunteering/placement/employment activities

If your organisation provides services in these areas and you are interested in attending the focus group meetings, please confirm your attendance by email to [email protected] All meetings will take place at the Education Centre, Junction Rd, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees TS20 1PR.

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