About the Fund
The Police Property Act Fund is created from the sale of recovered stolen goods or property where the owners are not known and cannot be traced.
The Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable will consider applications from local voluntary and community groups which are working for charitable purposes to improve the lives of people in the Cleveland Police Area.
Applying for Police Property Act Funding
Applicants can apply at any time and must be able to demonstrate that the project or initiative meets one or more of the Police and Crime Commissioners objectives. These are:
- Retaining and Developing Neighbourhood Policing
- Ensuring a Better Deal for Victims & Witnesses
- Diverting People from Offending, with a focus on Rehabilitation and the Prevention of Re-offending
- Developing Better Co-ordination, Communication and Partnership between Agencies – to make the Best Use of Resources
- Working for Better Industrial and Community Relations
For more information see website http://www.cleveland.pcc.police.uk/Financial-Information/Police-Property-Act.aspx
If you are interested in making an application please download the guidance notes and application form below:
Cleveland Police Property Fund – Application Form (Microsoft Word Template, 185KB)
If you are interested in making an application please complete the forms below and email: pcc@cleveland.pnn.police.uk or post to: Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland, Police Headquarters, Ladgate Lane, Middlesbrough, TS8 9EH
If you require any assistance in completing the forms or have a question about your application please contact: Rachelle Kipling on 01642 301208 or Joanne Hodgkinson on 01642 301635.
Deadlines for Submissions of Police Property Act Applications
Decisions on the distribution of Police Property Act Funding will be made at various times throughout the year. Please be aware of the deadline dates outlined below when submitting any applications to the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner: