Funding Information 4th July 2013 - RCVDA

Funding Information 4th July 2013

Tees Valley Community Foundation

Community Investment Programme (Investment – Tees Valley)

For VCSE. No upper limit. Rolling programme

Tees Valley Community Foundation has launched its new Community Investment Programme, through which it will provide significant and targeted support to the voluntary and community sector in Middlesbrough, Stockton on Tees, Hartlepool and Redcar & Cleveland.
The Community Investment Programme is not a grant – it is a non repayable investment.

The primary aim is to maximise the social return on investment; the Foundation wants to support projects that can really make a difference and clearly demonstrate their success. Core costs will be eligible and the Foundation may consider making investments to cover two or even three years.
The Community Investment Programme is focusing on three main themes which identify strategic challenges currently faced in the Tees Valley and the key characteristics of organisations with whom the Foundation is seeking to work: A Stronger Start for Young People – may include education, training or employment activities, enterprise, health, safeguarding or citizenship A Healthy Community –may address health or disability issues, the environment or involve volunteers and those who care for others Our Community, Our World – may be education based, focus on improving the environment, safety, local history or diversity

Although the themes are defined, the activities within are not; new and innovative ways of working are invited.
The applicant should be seeking investment for a long-term project which will be sustainable, and hopefully thrive, once funding has ceased.
Types of investment which may be suitable for the programme include: development of a site for the long term benefit of the community refurbishment of an existing community organisation’s facilities to enable the expansion and improvement of their activities in the long term implementation of a sustainable programme to assist and benefit the local community

Imminent Deadline and Funding for Young People

People’s Health Trust: Active Communities

Deadline 15th July 2013

£5,000- £25,000 per year up to 2 years.
Not for profit(income less than £350,000 a year)

Active Communities aims to close the gap between those communities which experience the worst health in England, Scotland and Wales and the majority of the population. People’s Health Trust will be working with people living in the poorest neighbourhoods. They are looking to support projects that encourage community activism – projects designed by local people that address issues relevant to them and benefit and improve their local community.

Projects should bring communities together, foster a sense of belonging and encourage local people to be involved in and take ownership of activities and services that take place in their neighbourhoods. Applicants need to have a great idea, designed and led by local people which will take place within a small area for a small group of people such as 20 or 30 streets or a couple of villages. Projects should run for between 9 months and 2 years.

Youth Music

Up to £250,000. Not for profit. Deadline 3rd October (not yet open – “opens in July”)

Youth Music makes grants to support projects that provide music-making activities for children and young people, especially those young people in challenging circumstances. Youth Music will fund those organisations committed to music-making activities for children and young people up to 18 (or up to 25 if they have special educational needs, disabilities or are in detention).
Youth Music aims to support music making activities principally in out of school hours such as during weekends, holidays as well as in breakfast and after schools clubs. Youth Music understands that programmes may need to begin in school hours especially if the proposal involves encouraging first time participation in music. To help with this, Youth Music will consider applications for programmes where up to 25% of the time is spent in school hours. The proposed programme should aim to encourage children and young people to eventually make music outside of school hours.

Youth Social Action Fund

Up to £2m over 2 years. Non profit / partnership. Deadline 29th July 2013

Minister for civil society Nick Hurd has announced new funding opportunities for youth organisations that run programmes which engage young people in social action. The Youth Social Action Fund is offering financial support to such schemes.
The Cabinet Office is orchestrating two separate calls for ideas for the fund, one of which is for programmes that will be delivered in the two areas of Middlesbrough (including Redcar) and Lancashire.
The key ambition underpinning this call for ideas is to begin to understand the extent to which social action may be able to contribute to improving educational attainment.

Programmes in the Middlesbrough/Redcar and Lancashire regions should provide social action opportunities for 10-14 year olds to create positive outcomes for young people, including improved attainment and engagement at school.
All programmes should demonstrate how they will make strong links within their trial area to other providers, new and existing, and become advocates for the wider social action movement, to help to create a social action journey for young people.
The funders are looking to support organisations capable of working across both areas, and able to work with approximately 10–20 schools supporting a total of 250–500 young people.


The FSI Newcastle Roadshow

Date 18th-19th July 2013
Time 9.15am – 4.30pm
Location The CastleGate, Melbourne Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2JQ
Cost Free! (a deposit of £50 is required and will be fully refunded within 5 working days of attending the training)

Through their Roadshow series, the FSI takes two days of free training to hubs around the UK so that all small charities, wherever they are, can access the skills they need to be self-sustaining.
The Roadshow will offer 8 full day training sessions covering a wide range of fundraising skills and techniques ranging from Developing Your Core Case for Support to Fundraising from Trusts & Foundations to Exploring Social Media. Whatever your interest you will find a topic that will enhance your skills and improve your ability to support your beneficiary group. For more info and bookings, go to

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