Summer 2013

Welcome to the latest briefing from your Voluntary Sector Forum. The briefing is to update you on all the areas and issues the forum has been working through on your behalf. Members of Voluntary Sector Forum Steering Group (representatives of VCS groups from across the borough) continue to lead on work on your behalf – to ensure your interests are represented and fed into local structures and partnerships.
Once again, we have tried to keep this update short and snappy – but if you would like to know more detail about any area covered in the briefing; then please do click on the links for more information or please do get in touch with [email protected] or Telephone 01642 440571
The Voluntary Sector Forum has a new chair! The members of the steering group would like to say a huge thank you to the outgoing chair, Jane Reast for all her fantastic work and vision in the role over the previous two years. Our new Chair, John Pearson from Doorways had this to say:
‘I was pleased to accept the position of VSF Chair, having eight years experience running the DoorWays project in Saltburn, and previously working in industry as a technical and quality manager. I tend to see people as icebergs, there is much more below the surface than there is visible; the challenge is to draw on that collective strength and I look forward to working with all concerned’.
John Pearson, Chair
R&C Voluntary Sector Forum
Opportunities for the Sector in Health & Social Care – 16th May 2013
@ Tuned In, Redcar.
The overarching aim of the Redcar & Cleveland Voluntary Sector Forum is to provide voice and influence for; and with the local voluntary and community sector. Health and social care is currently a huge area of challenge, opportunity and change and the forum wanted to ensure that representatives from the sector had the opportunity to hear, discuss, challenge and support some of the key people and policies that are driving this ‘sea change’.
Feedback from the day has been very positive, both from the participants and the presenters. Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health talked about the new Health and Well Being Strategy and the health challenges we face in our borough. Victoria Ononeze, Acting Assistant Director for Health Improvement spoke about the draft Community Capacity Building Plan and how the sector could shape its direction and take ownership.

Patrick Rice, Head of Commissioning at R&CBC talked about the challenges of their commissioning approach and how the sector could be a key player in the delivery of local services and add value to existing and potential provision. Finally Janet Evans, Commissioning and Market Development Manager outlined opportunities for the VCS in Joint Commissioning locally.
Following each presentation the representitives from the sector were posed a question from the presenters to discuss and feed back on. The discussion was lively, very challenging and very engaging. John Pearson said of the event:
‘It seamed like there were two languages in the room, a strategic language and one of street level outcomes. It reminded me of trying to talk through two tin cans and a piece of string. This is not a criticism; but we will need to hold the string tight and develop a common language that can go forward, and overcome the challenges we have today in this economic climate’.
John Pearson

There were also presentations by Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland and the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust about how they are engaging with local voluntary and community groups.
A number of suggestions were made on the day about how the Forum could follow up on this very successful event and the steering group is already looking to organise our next event very soon, so look out for details coming through your email and please forward on this email to someone who you think may be interested in receiving more information – just click on the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button at the bottom of the email.
On behalf of the Steering Group i would like to thank all the people who took time out of their busy working day to come along and support the event.

Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland
Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland are now seeking nominations for the Healthwatch Executive Board in Redcar and Cleveland!
This is an exciting opportunity to be involved in shaping your Healthwatch service in Redcar & Cleveland right from the start.
We are ready to recruit an executive board to lead Healthwatch in Redcar & Cleveland. The Board will support Healthwatch Redcar and Cleveland to achieve its goal of using the collective voice of patients, service users and carers to improve the quality of local health and social care services.
The Board will set the strategic direction of Healthwatch and will ensure it exercises its duties and powers responsibly in holding to account those who commission and provide services for those who live and work in the Borough. A key role for Board members will be to provide a credible, expert voice, representing the interests of members on key strategic partnerships including (for the Chair) the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Board members must be nominated by membership organisations and all applications will be assessed against detailed role specifications and competencies. Those shortlisted will be offered an interview with an appointed panel.
- Who would you like to see representing your interests and those of your members on the Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland Board?
- Do you have the skills and experience to help Healthwatch Redcar and Cleveland achieve its strategic objectives?
- Can you represent others to ensure collective influence on the way services are planned, commissioned and provided in the future?
- Are you willing to challenge, scrutinise and hold to account those making decisions about your health and social care services?
For more information please go to: