Gift Aid Changes

If you claim Gift Aid, you must take action now to prepare for the new system.
Charities Online – HMRC’s new system for claiming Gift Aid – launched on 22nd April 2013. It replaces the paper form that members currently use to claim tax repayments.
The transition period for implementing the changes will end on 30 September this year. This is a tight timescale so it’s important that you take steps now to ensure you have everything in place. If you don’t, your claims may end up being delayed or even reduced in value.
What you need to do
NCVO together with voluntary sector partners, have produced a set of clear instructions you can follow.
It covers:
- Why the changes are important
- What the changes are
- How you can plan for them
- The three ways you can claim Gift Aid
- Details of the new Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme
If you have any questions or concerns about the new system, we strongly encourage you to contact HMRC directly in the first instance: 0845 302 0203.
FINE Online Issue 19 including Grassroots Giving “Big 160 Appeal”

In this issue:
Community Radio Fund
European Integration Fund
Family Fund
Grassroots Giving “Big 160 Appeal”
Healthy Heart Grants
Prince’s Countryside Fund
Meet the Funders Thursday May 2nd 2013