Latest updates on funding and other matters of interest
Snippets from Fine online Issue 18

Neighbourhood Planning Fund
Up to £7,000. Opens 1st May 2013.
Locality will be providing support and grants to areas across the country in creating neighbourhood plans, with a £9.5m fund available.
The Localism Act 2011 introduces statutory Neighbourhood Planning in England. It enables communities to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for their area and is intended to give communities more of a say in the development of their local area (within certain limits and parameters). All community members can get involved. Neighbourhood Planning is led by either the parish or town council, or by a neighbourhood forum.
More information on the support and grants will be online from 15th April.
Rural Community Broadband Fund
Up to 50% of total eligible costs. Deadline 24th May 2013.
The £20m RCBF will provide up to 50% of total ‘eligible’ costs to communities located in hard-to-reach locations who can demonstrate a local need and a demand for superfast broadband, and the ability to make it happen at a reasonable cost.
Applications are accepted from organisations in rural communities that have been identified as being in the 10% hard to reach area which will get only standard broadband under the main Rural Broadband Programme being rolled out by Local Authorities.
Acting on behalf of a community, eligible applicants can be:
- Social and community enterprises
- Community Interest Companies
- Community trusts
- Charities
- Private Businesses (non-Internet Service Providers)
- Other formally constituted groups
For more information click here
FINE Online Issue 18 is available on RCVDA website
Access the Expert
Deadline 31st May 2013

The Prince’s Trust seeks Partners
Opportunity to partner with The Prince’s Trust for ESF NEET 2013 Deadline Tomorrow!!
The Prince’s Trust have submitted a Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) to the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) for the delivery of European Social Fund (ESF) Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) provision in England. We would like to hear from organisations interested in being part of our application if we are invited to tender.
The ESF NEET Funded provision Invitation to Tender (ITT) was expected to be published in early March but has been subject to a series of delays. When the ITT is published we expect to have to turn around our response in a very short period of time and, like other Prime Contractors, we are gathering a shortlist of potential partners with a view to gathering further information when the ITT has been released.
Please complete our Expression of Interest (EOI) with a broad description of how you currently or could work with NEET young people and we will provide more detailed information if you progress to the next stage.
Please complete our initial Partner Expression of Interest form attached. Please see our website for more information on The Prince’s Trust. Please return this EOI by the deadline of 5pm on Friday 12th April, to [email protected].
This form does not commit you to any delivery. We will be back in touch once the ITT details have been published.
Many thanks for taking the time to complete this.